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Visual studio publish where is the exe

2022.01.06 02:18

Upgrade to Microsoft Edge to take advantage of the latest features, security updates, and technical support. Bundling all application-dependent files into a single binary provides an application developer with the attractive option to deploy and distribute the application as a single file. This deployment model has been available since. NET Core 3. NET 5. Previously in. NET Core host first extracts all files to a directory before running the application.

Single File deployment is available for both the framework-dependent deployment model and self-contained applications. The size of the single file in a self-contained application will be large since it will include the runtime and the framework libraries. The single file deployment option can be combined with ReadyToRun and Trim publish options. When the app starts, the single file app was extracted to a folder and run from there.

Starting with. When the app starts, the managed DLLs are extracted and loaded in memory, avoiding the extraction to a folder. On Windows, this means that the managed binaries are embedded in the single-file bundle, but the native binaries of the core runtime itself are separate files. To embed those files for extraction and get exactly one output file, like in.

For more information about extraction, see Including native libraries. Some APIs are not compatible with single-file deployment and applications may require modification if they use these APIs.

If you use a third-party framework or package, it's possible that they may also use one of these APIs and need modification. The most common cause of problems is dependence on file paths for files or DLLs shipped with the application. To access files next to the executable, use AppContext. To find the file name of the executable, use the first element of Environment. GetCommandLineArgs , or starting with. NET 6 use the file name from ProcessPath. To avoid shipping loose files entirely, consider using embedded resources.

Attaching to a running self-contained single-file executable requires an extra file: mscordbi. Json, select that package in the list, and select Install: If you want more information on the NuGet Package Manager, see Install and manage package s using Visual Studio. Study Details: New in Visual Studio is the ability to generate a NuGet package on build for some target types namely,.

NET Standard 2. This works great, and the. However, I'm not able to figure out how to get the built package automatically publish ed to our local repository.

Download and install the Azure Artifacts Credential Provider. Follow the instructions in the Project setup to connect to your feed. Publish a NuGet package by using the command line. If you don't have a NuGet package but you want to try publish ing your package to your feed, you can install the HelloWorld Path to NuGet package s to publish :the pattern to match or path to nupkg files to be uploaded.

Target feed location: You can publish to your current organization or an external NuGet server. In general whatever suffix you put the Nuget package manager will put it under prerelease type.

When searching make sure you got the correct source selected. Also, we will understand, how to deploy this package to Nuget. NET Standard project. Publish a package to NuGet. We are going to focus on publish ing package s by using the command line in this section. The resulting files are placed in a directory named Publish on Windows and publish on Unix systems that is in a subdirectory of your project's. Along with your application's files, the publishing process emits a program database.

The file is useful primarily for debugging exceptions. You can choose not to package it with your application's files. You should, however, save it in the event that you want to debug the Release build of your app. Deploy the complete set of application files in any way you like.

For example, you can package them in a Zip file, use a simple copy command, or deploy them with any installation package of your choice. Once installed, users can then execute your application by using the dotnet command and providing the application filename, such as dotnet fdd. In addition to the application binaries, your installer should also either bundle the shared framework installer or check for it as a prerequisite as part of the application installation.

Deploying a framework-dependent deployment with one or more third-party dependencies requires that any dependencies be available to your project. The following additional steps are required before you can build your app:.

Use the NuGet Package Manager to add a reference to a NuGet package to your project; and if the package is not already available on your system, install it. Confirm that your third-party dependencies for example, Newtonsoft.

Json are installed on your system and, if they aren't, install them. The Installed tab lists NuGet packages installed on your system. If Newtonsoft. Json is not listed there, select the Browse tab and enter "Newtonsoft. Json" in the search box. Select Newtonsoft. Json and, in the right pane, select your project before selecting Install. Json is already installed on your system, add it to your project by selecting your project in the right pane of the Manage Packages for Solution tab.

A framework-dependent deployment with third-party dependencies is only as portable as its third-party dependencies. For example, if a third-party library only supports macOS, the app isn't portable to Windows systems. This happens if the third-party dependency itself depends on native code.

A good example of this is Kestrel server , which requires a native dependency on libuv. When an FDD is created for an application with this kind of third-party dependency, the published output contains a folder for each Runtime Identifier RID that the native dependency supports and that exists in its NuGet package.

Deploying a self-contained deployment with no third-party dependencies involves creating the project, modifying the csproj file, building, testing, and publishing the app. You begin by creating, coding, and testing your project just as you would a framework-dependent deployment:. Particularly if your app targets Linux, you can reduce the total size of your deployment by taking advantage of globalization invariant mode.

Globalization invariant mode is useful for applications that are not globally aware and that can use the formatting conventions, casing conventions, and string comparison and sort order of the invariant culture.

Then add the following highlighted lines to the file:. This debugging step lets you identify problems with your application when it's running on your host platform. You still will have to test it on each of your target platforms. If you've enabled globalization invariant mode, be particularly sure to test whether the absence of culture-sensitive data is suitable for your application. After you've debugged and tested the program, create the files to be deployed with your app for each platform that it targets.

You also need to add a semicolon to separate the RIDs. See Runtime identifier catalog for a list of runtime identifiers. For example, the following example indicates that the app runs on bit Windows 10 operating systems and the bit OS X Version A complete sample csproj file appears later in this section. Target Runtime identifies which runtime has been published, and Target Location identifies where the files for the self-contained deployment were written. Visual Studio by default writes all published files to a single directory.

For convenience, it's best to create separate profiles for each target runtime and to place published files in a platform-specific directory.