Why is self esteem a problem
Have fun — schedule enjoyable events and activities into every week. Exercise — it is such a good boost to the brain for all kinds of things but especially in combatting depression and helping you to feel good. Targets need to be step by step, such as starting with a walk round the block once a day, enrolling at a local gym class or going for a swim.
Be assertive — communicate your needs, wants, feelings, beliefs and opinions to others in a direct and honest manner. Practise the above suggestions every day — it takes effort and vigilance to replace unhelpful thoughts and behaviours with healthier versions.
Give yourself time to establish the new habits. Keep a diary or journal to chart your progress. Seek out support to build self-esteem Further ways to build self-esteem include: Talk to a trusted friend or loved one about your self-esteem issues. Browse the Better Health Channel for further information. See your doctor for information, advice and possible referral. Read books on self-development.
Take a course in personal development. Discuss your issues and get advice from a trained therapist. Where to get help Your doctor Your local community health centre Find a GP near you who specialises in mental health issues through the beyondblue website beyondblue Info Line Tel. Everyone lacks confidence occasionally but people with low self-esteem are unhappy or unsatisfied with themselves most of the time.
It takes attention and daily practice to boost a low self-esteem. Improving self-esteem — what is low self-esteem? More information here. The story on self-esteem , Kids Health US. Give feedback about this page. Was this page helpful? Yes No. View all healthy mind. If the low self-esteem is not identified and treated, then it can lead to problems such as:.
How a person feels about themselves is a result of their experiences and how they deal with situations. The most common causes of low self-esteem in teenagers are:. A child with low self-esteem will more than likely be having negative thoughts about their worth and value as a person.
Some general signs that your child has low self-esteem include:. In other words, I had control over my low self-esteem issue.
I might not have the best solutions then, but at least I knew it was something that affected my life. There are two situations which are worse than having low self-esteem:. For the first situation, I have talked about how to identify if you have low self-esteem and its symptoms in one of the previous posts. In this blog post, the focus will be on the second situation. Many times, when we see the problem, we only see the effects of the problem. We just see problems individually.
So for example, when we procrastinate in our work, we just see procrastination as the problem. We zoom in and find solutions to resolve our procrastination problem.
We start setting routines for ourselves, implement more self-discipline, cut down distractions and etc. What if procrastination is just another problem caused by low self-esteem? We might be doing all the right things to prevent procrastination, but we still end up procrastinating. Understanding the effects it brings allows us to focus on resolving the main issue at hand and tackle many sub-problems in our life at the same time. This is a more effective way of resolving our life problems.
Low self-esteem dictates most of our actions. Something we perceive as positive may be an effect of low self-esteem too.
You may think that pursuing success is for your best interest, but you are actually doing it to avoid feeling unworthy.
So in other words, you are controlled by low self-esteem. Your low self-esteem determines what actions you take, not you. Below are some negative consequences and effects of low self-esteem. They are grouped as follow:. This list is not comprehensive. But every time you are unsure if you are acting out of low self-esteem, you can ask yourself:.
Yes, it is true that some employers give their employees too much work to do and set unrealistic deadlines. However, sometimes spending too much time at work could be a result of our low self-esteem. Ask yourself:. If so, your low self-esteem may be causing you to stay late at work.
People with condition-based low self-esteem rely on their work to make them feel good and significant. So they are perfectionists at work, avoiding making mistakes to cover their defects. Certain jobs such as those in the medical and airline industry require the employees to comply with the procedures perfectly because lives are at stake.
Are you creating more tasks for yourself so that you can avoid other areas of your life such as relationships and health?
They are several reasons why low self-esteem people do this:.