How old is oh canada
Sadly this was not the case by any means. I am so distressed by the laws which are enacted on what seems like a daily basis to restrict voter rights. When I posted something on Facebook in favor of increased voting rights I think I got more negative comments from friends than anything I had ever posted. When I stated that those who did not have a drivers license for whatever reason might have a difficult time providing ID someone suggested they could just use their passports!
Just yesterday I was reading a book about horses. There was a chapter in it on the Black cowboy. A large percentage of the cowboys in western US were in fact black, but their history has been erased.
I am trying to read, listen and even contribute to organizations who promote justice and equality, what small amounts I can. On this July 4th, Independence Day, I fear for our country. Improving awareness and understanding of this important issue is critical. Equally important is taking action toward change. Much work remains. Have a good weekend. I send you my deep affection and respect.
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Our offering includes over , high quality products covering all major industrial brands, in stock and ready to ship. Among them was Dr. Thomas Bedford Richardson, Mercy E. The only English translation to gain widespread acceptance was one written by Robert Stanley Weir, a Montreal judge and writer, in Weir wrote the O Canada Lyrics in his summer home to mark the year anniversary of the founding of Quebec City.
His lyrics read:. O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love thou dost in us command. We stand on guard for thee. Where pines and maples grow, Great prairies spread and lordly rivers flow, How dear to us thy broad domain, From East to Western Sea; Thou land of hope for all who toil! Thou True North, strong and free!
Beneath thy shining skies May stalwart sons and gentle maidens rise, To keep thee steadfast through the years, From East to Western Sea. Our own beloved native land, Our True North, strong and free!
Ruler Supreme, Who hearest humble prayer, Hold our dominion within Thy loving care. The first revision took place in Weir made the change himself without publicly disclosing a reason.
At the time, it was undoubtedly the most popular national song in French Canada. In , the anthem was modified again. It became the version we know today. It might surprise some Canadians me included! Most of us are only familiar with the first verse.
The additional three verses are slightly modified versions of the original verses written by Weir in These three are rarely sung. You can read all four verses at OhCanadaAnthem. The Oh Canada Lyrics first verse, the one most of us are familiar with, goes thus:. Lake Champlain was discovered by Champlain and named it after himself.
From to Canada and the French were at war with America, this war is known as the 7-years war or the French Indian war. This war started when border disputes in where Canada started and America ended.
America where founded and supported by the British, and Canada was founded and supported by the French. The British and French had been at odds for quite a long time with each other.