When was eliot spitzer elected

2022.01.06 02:20

For that transition he was serving as a fiscal analyst in the New York State Senate. When Eliot Spitzer was elected, Megna was involved with the preparation of transition materials for the incoming administration. Under Spitzer, he was appointed tax commissioner, the position he held when David Paterson took office. Governor Paterson appointed him to the position of budget director.

He held that office during the transition from Paterson to Andrew Cuomo. Leadership worked to address the immediate public health emergency and subsequent economic fallout. New York now enters the recovery and rebuilding phase in which it must evaluate its response to the public health emergency, learn from the lessons revealed about inequality, and invest in infrastructure that will enable resilience in future crises.

But this is not the first time New York has had to recover from crisis. Each of these defining moments tested leadership as they made challenging decisions about the future of the state. The goal of these panels is to explore the past, present, and future of fiscal policy in New York.

Panelists will examine the immediate response to the crisis they faced, the longer-term impacts of the decisions made at the time, and the characteristics effective leaders demonstrate when managing a crisis. To set the stage for these discussions, I discuss the transition that Governor Hochul is currently managing.

I explore how it is similar and different than previous transitions in modern New York history and the priorities that the new administration will need to address. We invite you to join us over the coming months as we discuss these challenges and opportunities with the leaders that have lived through them before.

Since the s, New York has seen five gubernatorial transitions that fall into two types. The other two transitions Eliot Spitzer to David Paterson, and David Paterson to Andrew Cuomo were unconventional transfers of power that happened in a relatively short timeframe after brief tenures. The transition that occurred in Albany on August 24, , from Andrew Cuomo to Kathy Hochul, was a unique hybrid of these two circumstances. Non-traditional transitions of gubernatorial power in New York have become a more common occurrence in recent years.

Twenty three were adopted or settled. Of 31 proposals that went to a shareholder vote, only eight passed. About a third of shareholders backed Liu's latest effort, down from 40 percent the year before. The city's pension funds track broad stock market indexes and have small stakes in thousands of companies.

In May, Exxon's shareholders defeated a proposal backed by the New York comptroller's office to release information on the extraction of shale gas, a process known as fracking. The comptroller might also be able to exert influence over the financial firms that manage its pension funds, but because it deals with a large number of fund managers, it may not be able to influence any one in particular. The idea that New York's comptroller could pressure financial institutions - beyond negotiating fees - is "ridiculous," said a hedge fund manager who advises city pension funds.

Another factor limiting the comptroller is that decisions are taken by the boards of the five city pension funds, which include trustees from labor unions and other public officials. Harrison Goldin, who was New York City comptroller from through , described the job as "a monitoring role, an oversight role. Your email address will not be published. Search for:. Home Biography Eliot Spitzer. Biography December 28, No Comment. Governor of New York Spitzer, who made cleaning up the ethics of state government a priority, was elected governor of New York in , winning 69 percent of the vote.

Return to the Limelight In December , Spitzer began a cautious return to the limelight, writing a column about the economy for Slate magazine. Sydney Pollack. Related Posts. Ira Glass. Brooklyn Beckham. Neil Patrick Harris. Ida McKinley. Henry M. Voter information What's on my ballot? Where do I vote? How do I register to vote? How do I request a ballot?

When do I vote? When are polls open? Who Represents Me? Congress special elections Governors State executives State legislatures Ballot measures State judges Municipal officials School boards. How do I update a page? Election results. Privacy policy About Ballotpedia Disclaimers Login. Eliot Spitzer Incumbent. Total Votes. Election results via New York Board of Elections.

Preceded by George Pataki R.