Where is akaroa new zealand on a map

2022.01.06 02:20

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Akaroa Harbour, Christchurch - Canterbury. By ChristchurchNZ. Christchurch - Canterbury Discover diversity - from the ocean to the Alps. Akaroa Christchurch City Library: Computers available. As Akaroa Library is a school and community facility, sections of the library may be reserved for class visits. Further instructions for Wifi use are in the Library. In a civil defence emergency refer to the back pages of the telephone yellow pages book for information on what to do.

Akaroa Radio. For local places to meet in an emergency go to 'more details'. ATM Facility is available 24 hours.

Corner of Rue Lavaud and Rue Balguerie. St John have provided ambulance services in New Zealand since and we are playing an increasing role in meeting the broader health needs of our communities, in partnership with other organisations. We would love to have your support for our Ambulance services in Akaroa.

Your support will help us to care for people and the community. We operate Clinical Control Centres in Auckland, Christchurch and in partnership with Wellington Free Ambulance in Wellington, answering , calls for an ambulance each year and dispatching air ambulances, road ambulances and other resources. Our team in Akaroa need support. More ambulance volunteers are required to help us deliver services to the community.

By working on both community events and on an ambulance your role is quite varied but the focus is always on providing quality care to patients. When volunteering at events, your role is to provide medical services to patients. At one end of the event spectrum, you could be covering local sports games and school fairs. At the other extreme, it might mean working at an international sporting tournament or rock concert.

Specialised training is provided by St John and reimbursements are provided for out-of-pocket expenses, such as travel and meals. Contact Bradley Shuttleworth Email: bradley. Boutiques to Backpackers Where to stay. Explore nature's playground Plan your trip. Back to top. Akaroa 4 Square Supermarket. Map View On Google Maps. Location 72 Rue Lavaud, Akaroa, Email akaroa foursquare-si.

Read more. Akaroa Heartlands. Location 39 Rue Lavaud, Akaroa. Email heartlands. Web heartlandservices. Akaroa Heartlands To promote, support and provide charitable services that are beneficial to the community within Akaroa and surrounding areas and in particular, promote services relating to employment initiatives, aged peoples' welfare, environmental concerns, youth activities and initiatives with emphasis on needs of youth at risk, artistic and cultural education.

ARCT provides a safe, confidential central drop in space, and facilitates social related services in a holistic way across the community. Due to its small size and unique community contacts ARCT has the capacity to organically adapt and change to meet the evolving needs of the community.

A supportive structure sailing safely over the currents of life. A place of protection, but also a place to connect with others, learn effective team work and new life skills to increase quality of life. Box 52, Akaroa. Akaroa Playcentre. Email akaroapc gmail. Akaroa Playcentre Akaroa Playcentre is for babies and children aged years old and their families.

Our sessions are Tuesday and Thursday mornings am Marquee For Hire. Email debbie. The 9m x 9m size does not require a Building Consent. Hire includes delivery, set up, and dismantle. Electric Vehicle Recharging Stations Akaroa. Email evcharging oriongroup. Phone 03 or Web oriongroup.

Activity Map. Email adp akaroa. Activity Map Your local village map can be found here. Activities Map. Akaroa i-Site -. Location 61 Beach Road Akaroa. Email info visitakaroa.

Web visitakaroa. Akaroa i-Site - The Akaroa i-Site -. We are open 7 days a week 9- 5pm. Enquire Book Now. These tourists are lounging and strolling along the wide shore closest to the main town. Akaroa Beach is further north next to Jubilee Park. The cornerstone of the Banks Peninsula War Memorial was laid in and completed in Residents gather here every April Anzac Day is a national event of remembrance for all Australians and New Zealanders who have served and died in war.

He was stationed at Akaroa from until Although a talented artist, he was colorblind. The French settlers built their first jetty near Jubilee Park shortly after they arrived in The namesake was a merchant who managed a store along the foreshore. The pier was refurbished in and used primarily by fishing boats until the end of the 20th century.

Now the shed with the conical red roof seem to be a beacon for curious tourists and local fishermen. This 50 foot ketch, two-masted sailboat built in offers three-hour dolphin sightseeing cruises around the harbour.

It is not surprising to find a waterfront restaurant serving seafood. The perfect combination is local waters brimming with fresh fish, excellent chefs, great service and stunning views of French Bay. Although a bit expensive, it is a great choice for lunch, dinner or just cocktails.

Several streams and creeks flow down from the hills and pass through Akaroa until they empty into Akaroa Harbour. Current maps show their English and French names. A few examples are Oinako after a Ngati-Mamoe chief killed here , Waipirau means bad smelling water and Hine Pararariki a women cooked in the boiling sun. This stream is Wai-iti meaning small water. Akaroa is primarily a resort town. When a cruise ship arrives, the activity level can be busy when tourists outnumber the residents.

Yet the locals seem to ignore the bustle, especially the kids. This Akaroa Sports Pavilion is the centerpiece of a large complex featuring sports fields, the Boat Park and waterfront camping.

Adjoining it is Jubilee Park and Akaroa Beach. The following year, the missionaries built a small church and then a larger one a few years later. The parish church — part of the Catholic Diocese of Christchurch — was consecrated in Together with a gas engine added later, the power plant operated until the mids. In , Patricia Bosshard converted the abandoned building into a concert hall and a gallery for Banks Peninsula artists.

Back to top. Welcome to Akaroa. Akaroa Wildlife Pass! Tuesday, 28 Sep The perfect Akaroa Labour weekend combo deal! Start with Banks Peninsula wine tour and a discovery of the area award-winning local produces.