Where is love handles

2022.01.06 02:20

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Recently viewed. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our website. Learn More. LoveHandle Phone Grip. Go to product page. Over time, these fat cells can become noticeable as they accumulate in certain areas, such as around your waist and hips. Fat can accumulate anywhere in the body, but there are certain factors that increase the likelihood for retaining fat in the hip, lower back, and abdominal areas. Factors that contribute to love handle formation include:. These include:.

A quick search on the internet reveals targeted exercises for specific areas of the body, including love handles. Try combining cardiovascular exercises with weight lifting and targeted movements for optimal results. For gradual fat loss and weight maintenance, incorporate aerobic activities, such as walking, bike riding, and swimming. Here are just some of the exercises that target the back, abs , and hip regions.

There are several modifications for side planks that can make the move more or less challenging. To perform the basic side plank:. For a more challenging move, try raising your knees off the ground so that the only parts of your body touching the ground are the side of your foot and your forearm. You can also incorporate hip dips. To do this, while in your side-plank position, slowly lower your hip an inch or two and then slowly lift it back up.

Repeat this for 30 seconds to a minute. It can be tempting to rush through bicycle crunches, but the key to this move is slow, controlled movements. This is another seated exercise. You can modify it by adding weight. As you get used to it, you can try holding a hand weight, filled water bottle, or even a can of soup or vegetables to increase the resistance. This move can help increase your heart rate as you strengthen your muscles.

Work up to increasing your speed as you get stronger. To make the move more challenging, you can try lifting one foot off of the floor as you lift your hips. Switch which leg you lift with each repetition. Adopting healthy habits can help you to get rid of love handles and also prevent them from coming back. Dietary changes and portion control can complement increased exercise and fat-burning activities. An overall change in diet accompanied by an increase in general aerobic exercise and conditioning actually had more of an effect on the abdominal area.

Some sources suggest the phrase love handles refers to the soft and accommodating areas of a romantic partner's stomach area accessible during a hug or embrace. Others suggest that these fat deposits provide a partner with additional traction or support during lovemaking.

Other terms such as spare tire , middle age spread or muffin top also describe the overflow of abdominal flesh as a person's body shape changes over time. There are some people who embrace these changes and accept their love handles, potbellies or turkey wings as inevitable signs of aging. Others see the formation of these fat deposits as a wake-up call to begin a more aggressive exercise regimen or a stricter diet plan.

In reality, the reduction of this condition is a slow process at best, depending more on a reduction in overall fat intake than any abdominal exercise program on the market.