Where is mind invader pwi

2022.01.06 02:20

But i enjoy the tower so far. Has anyone managed to complete on g16 gear toon or less? Im at 72 on my veno and its getting hard will take me some time i think. November edited November in General Discussion. Just finished Heavenfall with my Stormy. Rewards have been nice and dw I will just upload all the bosses and the last 18 levels cause they are pretty repetitive so stay stuned. Died a few times and its alot of fun. Forget about completing without near max gear.

Post edited by jsxshadow on November November That's very impressive well done! What are the rewards like at higher levels? Worth the effort to do would you say? Even just this once for the checklist XD. Ya it is worth the effort imho. That was quite nice. You can see the actual rewards in the video when its done. Expect it by tomorrow. Satyrion - Sanctuary mypers. November edited November My only interest in this is that item to make war avatar B-S for specific slots.

Posts: 1, Arc User. I will plod on and get there eventually hehehehe. Is easy if you are r9 or close to it. A G15 and G16 would still havea hard time there. My G16 storm still stuck at floor 9. I manage to kill 3 kings but no matter what I do still cant kill all4. The charms doesnt work there and one thing i noticed is that I have to hit bosses times with spells before they start taking dmg.

So if any has a toon with less than 10k hp there is screwed. And I think that like that floor are others too. And about people just refuse thing. Please tell me in room 5 or 6 were you have to charge that orb in 30 seconds if you had time to read in 30 second what to do, understand what you had to do and did it? It took me tries before I completed that room. Some floor are easy while others put up a chalange.

The icon does nothing if there is no star chart equipped. What does all of this mean? The star chart has 2 progress bars. The one to the left is the levelup bar for the equipped star chart. It is tied to the chart you have equipped. The one to the right is the Astral Energy bar, which is filled by doing the Horoscope see below.

This bar is tied to your character, and will not change if you swap star charts. The minimum amount of stats you get upon opening a Starglade Chest or doing Horoscope is tied directly to the Astral Energy level IE Astral Energy at level 3 means you get a minimum of 3 stats but it also improves your chances for a higher number of stats. The star chart itself has 10 points. The outer points are called "Fatestars", and the inner points are called "Birthstars".

For a Fatestar to be able to go active, both the Birthstar points it connects to must be active as well. A Fatestar point will give a much stronger stat boost, so having these active is a good thing.

The bonuses your chart gives are listed to the right. If you click on a bonus, it shows which star point it is associated with.

There are 4 buttons: - Infusion: This is used to levelup your star chart. You can consume existing star charts, or Astrobana Pearls. If you infuse another starchart, ALL of the XP stored on that chart will transfer over, and you can choose to inherit the Aptitude of the previous chart too an interface will open showing the aptitude levels of both stars, allowing you to pick which to keep - pick the highest of course.

It can be used to get the best stats of your chart assigned to Fatestar points. The amount and location of your active points, as well as the type of stats the chart has, will not change. The item it requires is not obtainable through quests at this point. It requires Nebula Dust Orbs.

There are 2 kinds, one that gives Astral Energy on use, and one that does not. TIP: If you have a good star chart already but still want to keep leveling up your Astral Energy bar, simply have a second Star Chart in your inventory, and equip that one to do your horoscope.

You may even end up with a better star chart! The "aptitude" is a multiplier that gets applied to the assigned stat rounded down to the next whole number.

Fatestar points use the combined aptitude of the 2 birthstar points they connect to - their multiplier can be twice as high. Starshifting requires Astrospira Pearls. So how can I get a better star chart? The boundary dailies on the Primal world map also give a Starglade chest. Don't use the Starglade Chests yet. Switch to it and use the Nebula Dust Orbs that give Astral Energy - compare the resulting star chart to your good one.

If you get a better one, infuse the old star chart keeping the good aptitudes and open a single starglade chest to get a fresh Star Chart. This may take a month if you don't buy Nebula Dust from the boutique. After this, use all the Nebula Dust that does not give Astral Energy, and open all but 1 of your Starglade Chests to try and get the best star chart you can muster. Keep in mind that the reward for the Shifting Sky V boundary is Nebula Dust orbs that all give Astral Energy, so reaching Astral Energy lvl 3 isn't too hard if you do the primal dailies each day.

And want no more Otherwise good guide. September Pretty sure i got evasion as a stat too. Like the Foxes? October I kind of have just ben figuring this out as I go n have made a couple boo boos along the way. But from what i see now, it's better if you don't use astral infusion or starshifting at all on a new chart your opening or trying to.