Garden rebel orlando florida

2022.01.06 02:21

Our experienced staff has extensive…. Always great service, super helpful and we have never had a problem with any plants or sod purchased here. We use many different nurseries and sod…. I couldn't have asked for anything better! This family-owned business was just what I was looking for.

My neighbor was getting their backyard…. Great store! Very encouraging and helpful with the DIY projects. I would have never thought I could do some of these things but they helped me….

Great place to buy plants and trees. Great selection of fruit…. He told them how he grew his plants with beer, soap, ammonia, and fish emulsion. He told his audiences, "All I know is that the worse my concoctions smell the better the plants grow! The various plant societies had plant sales and fund raisers.

Vince was always there to help out. At the age of 15 he was asked to go on Miami's public television station and promote the various events. From his first appearance "the kid" was a hit and became the regular television spokesperson for the various events. His nursery, "Shady Ridge" became South Florida's nucleus for exotic plants.

Collectors all over the world came to visit and buy plants from "the kid" that had the "collection" beyond belief. Rare ferns, bromeliads, palms, and cycads were prime inventory. As the newspapers, TV stations and radio stations became aware of "the kid", they all clamored for stories.

His nursery grew, his plants grew and his reputation grew. Vince continues to this day to mesmerize audiences at home show conventions. His Garden Rebel series booklets are some of the most successful in the entire industry.

Because of his inspirational nature he has been asked to write a self-help book to help guide others to successfully fulfill their dreams. He visited all the booths in total awe. While walking out on his own garden path, so to speak, he discovered the Fern Society booth. All Rights Reserved. By using this website, you accept the terms of our Visitor Agreement and Privacy Policy , and understand your options regarding Ad Choices.

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