Mice proofing boston

2022.01.06 02:21

This type of approach can reduce pesticide and rodenticide use. It can also minimize the presence of dead, odor causing rodents inside a building and offers a better long-term solution. Featured In Boston Magazine.

The most common rodent removal species we encounter here in massachusetts is mice. There are several different species of pest mice in our area. Rodent Removal for mice is by far the number one call-out for all rodent species here in the Boston Ma Area.

The control methods for mice must take an aggressive, integrated approach in order to achieve long term success. These wild mice typically live outdoors much of the year.

The mice often enter structures in late fall when weather conditions change and a lack of natural food sources drive them into homes and buildings. As spring weather arrives, Deer Mice begin spending most of their time outdoors again. These mice often infest areas less frequented by people. Attics, dormers, storage areas, basements and crawlspaces should be inspected for signs of rodent activity.

Acorns or nut shells found indoors, tunneling in attic insulation and scurrying in the walls at night, are a few tell tale signs of a Deer Mice infestation. Extremely knowledgeable enthusiastic about his job!

Personable and professional as a bonus!!!! Highly recommend company as a whole!! Mouse urine contains pheromones, the chemical signals that mice use to communicate with one another. The mice in your house saturate your home with urine. The mice outside smell this and choose to come inside your house. Unless all entry points are discovered and sealed with mouse-proof materials, mice will continue to enter year after year.

Once inside, mice breed quickly. In one year, two mice can grow to Each one of those mice deposits 50 fecal pellets and over drops of urine each day inside your home.

Their feces and urine leave an unpleasant odor that lingers for years. We seal mice out to keep them from getting inside in the first place. In addition to spreading diseases like salmonella, mice are a fire hazard. In the outdoors, mice gnaw grasses to build nests. In your home, they gnaw wires instead. Mice have strong teeth that contain iron, so they can chew through wood and other materials.

Our special rodent-proof materials contain stainless steel that mice cannot chew. You can have a mouse-free home by having our team of structural experts look for all of the holes through which mice are entering and seal them with rodent-proof materials. Some of the most commonly used materials to keep mice out of homes are actually really bad at keeping mice out. Steel wool rusts and shrinks and allows mice to enter.

I never liked the idea of charging someone for a service that I knew was only temporary at best. This was before I realized that I could Mouse-Proof a house. Mice are only cute in cartoons! While it might be funny to watch a woman leap onto a chair and squeal in horror as a tiny rodent scampers across the floor, the damage and disease mice bring is no laughing matter.

Neither is the expense Massachusetts residents face in mouse pest control services alone. We show up and conduct an inspection only to find that there are one or two very small openings around the foundation that are allowing these mice to gain access to the house. We then remove the mice without the use of poison and properly seal the openings to prevent the mice from getting back in.

The problem is now solved. No more quarterly service contract from the pest control company to fill your house with poison. No more writing checks for mice-baiting four times per year. Why would any company structure their services to fill your home with poison four times every year to control a problem that can be avoided in the first place?

They call it recurring revenue. Doing it the "pest control" way, the mice keep coming back and you keep paying. The truth is, if your home qualifies , you can end this frustrating and expensive cycle! Mention the term "mouse-proofing" and most companies will scoff at the idea and tell you that it is simply not possible.

You will get a line about how mice can squeeze through the smallest of openings and that there is no way that anyone can seal off all the openings in an entire house. Mouse-Proofing is indeed possible. BatGuys has successfully mouse-proofed over 45 homes in the last two years.

These houses have ranged from small ranches to contemporary colonials in excess of square feet. All of these mouse-proofing projects were given one-year warranties and as of this writing we have not been called back to a single one for a warranty issue. For a mouse or any animal to gain access to a house it has to have squeezed through some type of opening. These openings are in foundations, around basement bulkheads and most importantly on roofs. That's right Mice are very good climbers, and can enter houses through roofs just as easily as they enter at the ground level.

Once each and every one of these openings is properly sealed the mice will no longer be able to enter the house. Knowing which openings mice can get through and knowing how to properly seal each opening is very tricky. Mouse-proofing is extremely tedious work. The technician must be very thorough and very detail-oriented.

It takes a special skill set to properly mouse-proof a house. These techniques can only be learned in the field by trial and error.