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Reinhard von heydrich jacksonville florida

2022.01.06 02:21

Would you mind summarizing what you've read, and also giving me links to the websites? I will tell you what I remember from what I've read. I'm sorry I can't be more specific about all of the sources, but maybe someone will come across something they recognize and post the details.

He did so as part of routine "inspections" because, as head of the SD, the operation was his brainchild, and Walter Schellenburg helped set it up. When Heydrich visited, all of the microphones and bugging equipment were turned off.

Women who didn't respond to his advances were allegedly visited by the Gestapo. This information is on a website, but I don't know anything about the author or his source, unfortunately. And where did I read that when Heydrich went nightclubbing, he preferred the "dark, exotic-looking types? Brutality and cynicism, I don't know. What I do see is a man who, for some reason or another, felt the need to let his sex drive just run wild.

Joachim C. Fest in his book The Face of the Third Reich mentions Reinhard Heydrich's "intemperance" where the "pleasures of nightlife" were concerned, that he mixed with alcohol I guess he loved his alcohol. Of course, if you put Heydrich in perspective, his behavior really didn't differ that much from that of a lot of the other high-ranking Nazis.

What was their relationship like? Quite a few people seem to believe that he had a deep love for this woman, but the following details about their relationship trouble me: - they announced their engagement after having known each other for only two days. A man who, up to this point, has gone through women like going through shirts, falls in love with a woman in two days' time. What evidence is there that he really loved her all that much?

What I see is a socially and politically oriented marriage which a lot of upper class marriages were , with a woman from a background and political mentality similar to his. Heydrich was a cold, calculating, cynical man, and it makes more sense to me that his decision to marry would have been more based on his political instincts and not emotions. Many of those prostitutes "talked" after the war, and recalled that cynical blond giant.

They only recalled that he had wierd desires, and was extremelly disrespectful and cynical in the way he talked to them , and that he was an annoyance because he had such a sexual appetite that it required many whores, many times, to satisfy him, each time with various pleaseure games he invented. But never was there any talk of physical brutality.

Cynical he was. In a way as we can se, very brutal he also was. But this is indirect brutality, ruthlessness. There is no particular evidence that he was in anyway physically brutal, and i in particular don't think he was. One particular case was when Schellenberg visited the SD representative in Norway i think, and they went into an argument the guy was drunk. Heydrich fit as ever, sober and calm grabed that man and pulled him away from Schellenberg.

But he didn't beat him or punch him in anyway. During these sessions, he impressed his colleagues with his calm and coldness, while others, even some experienced officers and torturers felt sick after a while or fainted. He never personaly brutalized a prisoner according to them. His mere presence was sufficient to make them talk, and sometimes when the torture squad was still waiting for the prisonners answer after an day-long torture session, it just needed Heydrich to come in and ask the question very calmly, to see the prisoner finally talk.

I am sure that if Heydrich was brutal in any way, those witness would have mentionned it. THe fact that 1- Heydrich would get a woman pregnant, 2- and then totally ignore her and her loegitimate requests, 3- and then, even worse, accuse her of bad reputation and beeing a liar which is preciselly what shocked the jury , those were extremelly common traits of Heydrich's character. I want to insist that theNaval jury wanted to arrange this incident in a way that both parties would be pleased, but it was Heydrich's incredibly shocking and impolite statements during the trial towards that women that made them take the very harsh decision.

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View more. Find a consultant Talk to an expert in your industry. Search now. Get in touch We're here to answer any question you may have. Regards Matt Gibbs. When they were boyfriends, Lina gifted to Heydrich the book of "her God" in her own words : "Mein Kampf" and she asked to Heydrich about the chapters of the book each night.

He was a Nazi for her influenced in these years. Lina had more political level than Heydrich. They married in december 26, She worked in the NSDAP Orstgruppe in Kiel and she was one of the girls who made repartitions of Nazi propaganda in the streets of the city.

In next years she likes sing the "Horst Wessel Lied" in the streets. They were members of the same Orstgruppen. Lina Mathilda von Osten Heydrich Best,. Lina Heydrich Post by Misty Dawn Bright » 10 Nov What about details about her private life who were her friends, what was her relationship with her husband like , and her personality?

I understand that her personality in particular could be irritating the little I've read about her irks me Has anyone read her book? I wish I could read it but can't, because it's in German. Would anyone know if there is or will be an English translation? Thank you so far Misty Bright And what about more pictures? Thanks Post by Matt Gibbs » 10 Nov Hello there Helly Angel; Thanks for the useful infos, have you got some sources for further reading please..?

I did remember reading something about General Eberstein and you just reminded me of it! Kind Regards Matt Gibbs. I have the spanish edition. Post by Helly Angel » 12 Nov I hear sometime about them: Lina fought with Reinhard throwing things and punching his face Someone know about this? Post by Roderick » 12 Nov Lina's father was against his daughter to join in marriage Heydrich.

According to him, Heydrich was "a immoral man without pinciples". But Lina defeated her father and they were married in