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Washingtonians temperance movement

2022.01.06 02:27

The Temperance Movement became formally organized with the creation of the Massachusetts Society for the Suppression of Intemperance in This early temperance effort was characterized by elite members — wealthy town leaders, Congregational and Unitarian ministers — trying to control the behavior of an intemperate public.

The elite were convinced that drinking was a lower class problem, and made no effort to control their own social drinking. The lower class had no interest in being controlled by their economic and social superiors, and the Massachusetts Society faded from existence in less than ten years. But the reform movement itself did not die out, and in a national temperance society was organized. By , there were 8, affiliates and 1. And by , the society no longer tolerated moderate drinking of wine or beer.

The American public was very much aware of the evils of alcohol due to the sensational literature and lurid images distributed by temperance organizations. Into this context of public awareness and organizations to reform lower-class society came the Washingtonian Total Abstinence Society. In , six drinking buddies from Baltimore agreed on a self-reform program that was by and for problem drinkers. They chose the name Washingtonian because of its obvious connection with the revered first President probably unaware that George Washington was a whiskey distiller.

The society was wildly popular: by there were , members, and two years later there were over one million. An indication of the rapid growth of the Washingtonian Society is the fact that they established a local branch here in Westport in Washingtonian Hall was erected in over the old saw pit on the Town Landing across Drift Road and a few hundred feet north of the Bell School.

The funding was provided by a joint stock company, whose primary members were George H. Gifford, Charles B. Baker, and William Tabor there were about 25 shareholders in all. To defray expenses, the building was rented out for other meetings, including religious services in s. Gifford was a teacher, farmer, whaler, carriage-maker, justice of the peace, selectman, treasurer, town clerk, and state representative.

He was the kind of respectable, well-connected citizen that a local society would want to have on its board of directors, but there was a problem: George was a drinker and did not want to take the abstinence pledge. But the society members convinced him, and he was elected vice-president of the society. One more anecdote about George Gifford: As a Judge who also liked to cook, he often provided delicious meals for the lawyers waiting to appear in court.

But those representing liquor interests were served only dry crackers. Despite its meteoric rise, the Washingtonian Society began to fade by the mids. There was competition from newer middle-class temperance organizations with an emphasis on respectability. They portrayed the Washingtonians as vulgar, while ministers outraged that the Washingtonians did not look to them for leadership branded them as anti-religious. The new organizations also placed more emphasis on legal prohibition of alcohol.

The novelty of the commonplace narrative is used up, and we cannot raise an interest. Annie Wittenmyer elected president and advocated focusing on the single issue of prohibition. She led the organization in being active in working for a living wage, the 8-hour day, women's suffrage, peace, and other issues.

John Kansas for President; he received , votes. Thus, hotels and clubs could sell an unopened bottle of liquor, even if the state banned alcohol sales. Fisk New Jersey for President; he received , votes. Some sources date this to National Prohibition Party nominated Joshua Levering Maryland for President; he received , votes. In a party fight, Charles Bentley of Nebraska was also nominated; he received 19, votes. Lillian M.

Stevens succeeded her as president of the WCTU, serving until She was often jailed; lecture fees and ax sales paid her fines. Woolley Illinois for President; he received , votes. Swallow Pennsylvania for President; he received , votes. Chapin Illinois for President; he received , votes. Woodrow Wilson won the election.

Catts elected Florida Governor as a Prohibition Party candidate. Frank Hanly Indiana for President; he received , votes. Anti-German feelings transferred to being against beer. Prohibition advocates argued that the liquor industry was an unpatriotic use of resources, especially grain.

Connecticut voted against ratification. The ratification was certified on January Rhode Island became the second of two states to vote against ratification. Watkins Ohio for President; he received , votes. Faris Missouri for President, and a woman, Marie C. Brehm California , for Vice President; they received 54, votes. Varney New York for president, narrowly failing to endorse Herbert Hoover instead.

Varney received 20, votes. Herbert Hoover ran on the party ticket in California and won 14, votes from that party line. Upshaw Georgia for President; he received 81, votes. Leigh Colvin New York for President; he received 37, votes. Babson Massachusetts for President; he received 58, votes. The party continued to run candidates in subsequent elections, never gaining as many as 50, votes again.

Cite this Article Format. Lewis, Jone Johnson. Temperance Movement and Prohibition Timeline. The History of Prohibition in the United States. The United States Prohibition of Alcohol. What Is Socialism? Definition and Examples. Decriminalization Versus Legalization of Marijuana. School Prayer: Separation of Church and State. Timeline of Gun Control in the United States.

About the Clayton Antitrust Act of One group might be called the Washington Total-Abstinence Society. Another might be the Washingtonian Temperance Society. There were many variations. Yet they pre-dated AA by about years. In , a group of six men in Baltimore drank together every night at the same tavern. On April 2 of that year, they decided that it would be fun for several of them to hear an evangelist who was speaking that evening. Those who attended would later report on the event to their friends at the tavern.

However the evangelist had made a strong impression on them. Perhaps conversion would be more accurate. On April 5, they decided to quit drinking. Moreover, they decided to form a total abstinence society. They called it the Washingtonian Society in honor of George Washington. We whose names are annexed, desirous of forming a society for our mutual benefit, and to guard against a pernicious practice which is injurious to our health, standing, and families, do pledge ourselves as gentlemen that we will not drink any spirituous or malt liquors, wine or cider.

They decided to meet weekly. Each member was to bring a potential member to the following meeting. The president suggested that each member describe his own experience with alcohol.