Gso london office
Connecting ideation to execution to deliver real value. Integrating people, processes and tools to deliver real-time updates. Business Agility. Implementing new ways of working in a simple effective manner to accelerate delivery. PM Improvement. Targeted solutions to help drive operational performance and efficient delivery. Examples of our work. Sellafield Lean Project Delivery Read more. Key Figures. Employee Spotlight. That was one of the reasons I joined M P to be sponsored but at the same time I can give back to the company to show employees it is possible to do sport outside of work.
Discover our latest jobs. Our Offices. The recapitalization included one of the first privately rated investment-grade financings comprised solely of commercial and industrial scale distributed solar assets. Our partnership with Altus will enable the company to meet growing demand for low-cost, renewable energy in North America. This website uses cookies, including third-party cookies, in order to obtain information about your visit to the website and make this website better. Please click here if you would like more information about the cookies used on this website and how to change your cookie settings.
Otherwise, we will assume you're OK to continue. For office-specific contact information, please visit our our offices page. For investor relations contact information or to receive email notifications for SEC filings, events, end of day stock quotes, and financial reports, please visit our Investor Relations page.
For press inquiries, contact pressinquiries blackstone. To view recent press releases, click here. Team Our business, established in as GSO Capital Partners, has a deep reservoir of credit and industry expertise across the entire range of market cycles. Solutions The solutions we offer are not often available elsewhere in the credit markets. Our activities range from investing in public debt that offers attractive risk-adjusted returns to providing private capital to companies.
This allows us to maximize potential in various market conditions, and in times of both stability and volatility.
Systematic Strategies Systematic Strategies Through our acquisition of DCI, a pioneer in deploying a technology-enabled, fundamental based, systematic approach to credit investing, we manage additional strategies across global investment grade, high yield, and emerging corporate credit markets.
Direct Lending Direct Lending We provide privately originated, senior secured, floating rate loans to U. Mezzanine Mezzanine Our mezzanine business has a flexible mandate that provides privately negotiated capital to companies in connection with leveraged buyouts, acquisitions, recapitalizations and growth financings.
The abovementioned PSC has significiant influence or control over this company,. You are here: bizstats. Registration Number Date of Incorporation Tue, 13th Sep Industry Other business support service activities not elsewhere classified End of financial Year 31st December Company age 16 years old Account next due date Fri, 30th Sep days left Account last made up date Thu, 31st Dec Next confirmation statement due date Tue, 30th Nov Last confirmation statement dated Mon, 16th Nov Company staff.
Susannah L. Status: current Position: Director Appointed: 16 April Kimberly P. Status: current Position: Director Appointed: 22 March Geoffrey B. Kalika J. Alan K. Marisa B. Mark M. Vijay B. Thomas I. Michael W. Peter B. George F. Matthew Q. Show all directors Show directors details. People with significant control. Stephen S. Notified on 6 April Nature of control: significiant influence or control. Show PSC filings details. Company filings. Filing category.