How many ylod
Amazing job!! Rediculously detailed guide. Maybe cap replacement will fix her up. Fin9ersMcGee , Jul 16, Sdw likes this. Another chance to resurrect the dead PS3 consoles! Good job. Md Hesam , Jul 16, Because these components are all adhered to their respective hardware boards with solder, and because solder is nothing more than a drop of a solid metallic stuff, if you let it get too hot or cool too quickly, the solder starts to break down and get brittle and the components disjoin: thus, the YLOD.
This will only work if there hasn't been permanent damage done to the console, so if you've only seen the YLOD once or twice, it is definitely worth trying. If none of the above seems to fix the problem, then the chances are something inside the console is bricked broken. Your options are:. The true cause of the YLOD is not the solder joints. For a true repair you need good soldering skill follow my guide if you need help.
By heating is the board is bringing the capacitive properties from the capacitors. It actually worked. Thank you very much. At first it did the yellow light and after I turned it on and off a few more times it has turned off at all which has never done that before. Overheating for periods of time causes 'dry joints'.
The heat gun method with soften the joints back. The slower the cooling period the better, we don't want to shock shrink the joint back to where it was by fast cooling. I downloaded a guide and it's working perfectly fine for me. Even my PS3 is like 5 years old still working like a charm.
It wasn't as hard as I thought, though it did take me almost 3 hours to accomplish. My PS3 is back up and running, and the fan is so guiet not I can hardly hear it. I will add that these pictures provided are from a 60GB launch PS3. Overall, this is a great guide and the kit was a great price. I hope my PS3 will remain operational at least through Christmas I've got my eye on the UC3 Bundle;. This is an excellent guide! While it did work for an entire year after the repair which is very surprising with most people saying theirs only worked for about a month after getting it fixed , I definitely don't think all that money was worth it.
I am extremely pleased that I was able to fix it myself with absolutely no cost to me I borrowed a heat gun and thermal paste from a friend. I will most likely open it up at replace the thermal paste though, as I've heard the paste Sony uses is very cheap, along with a few modifications for better cooling.
Also, my PS3 is the 60GB backwards compatible if that is of interest to anyone. Fix Your Stuff Community Store. Difficulty Difficult. Steps Time Required 1 - 2 hours. Sections 9. Flags 1. Featured Guide This guide has been found to be exceptionally cool by the iFixit staff.
Video Overview. Step 1 Smart Plate. One comment. Add a comment. Add Comment Cancel. Step 2. Step 3. Step 4. Step 5 Top Cover. The green and or blue lights come on for around 1. The fan and blue light turn off and the green light turns yellow for about a half-second. The PS3 beeps 3 times and the yellow light turns blinking red. The light will remain blinking red until you touch the power button again, returning the console to a steady red standby light or you can hit the main power switch.
Fan blowing louder than normal: Sony designed the PlayStation 3 to prioritize quietness during operation. If you notice that the fans inside of your console run louder than usual, especially when the system isn't playing anything, then your system is most likely running at dangerous temperatures. While the PS3 does automatically turn itself off if ran hot enough, it's worth noting that this does not happen until the operating temperature of the CPU or GPU reaches over 90 degrees Celcius which is not safe at all.