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Is it possible to have bleeding during pregnancy

2022.01.06 17:39

Actions for this page Listen Print. Summary Read the full fact sheet. On this page. Causes of bleeding problems during pregnancy Tests for bleeding problems during early pregnancy Tests for bleeding problems during later pregnancy Treatment of bleeding problems during early pregnancy Bleeding during early pregnancy and taking care of yourself at home Where to get help.

You should go to your nearest hospital emergency department if you are experiencing: Heavy bleeding, for instance soaking two pads per hour or passing golf ball sized clots Severe abdominal pain or shoulder pain Fever or chills Dizziness or fainting Unusual smelling vaginal discharge Bleeding in the second half of your pregnancy. Causes of bleeding problems during pregnancy It is not always possible to pinpoint why a woman is bleeding during pregnancy.

Some of the many reasons may include: Miscarriage Ectopic pregnancy Implantation bleeding Placenta previa Placental abruption. Miscarriage A miscarriage is the loss of a pregnancy before the fetus unborn baby can survive outside the uterus womb. Ectopic pregnancy During the first trimester, vaginal bleeding can be a sign of ectopic pregnancy.

Placenta previa Placenta previa occurs where the placenta is either wholly or in part inserted into the lower part of the uterus and covering the cervix. Placental abruption This is when part or all of the placenta separates from the wall of the uterus before the birth of your baby.

Tests for bleeding problems during early pregnancy It can take some time for your doctor to be sure of what the bleeding means.

You may need a number of tests, which could include: Vaginal examination — to check the size of your uterus and the amount of bleeding. This examination lasts a few minutes and may be a bit uncomfortable. Blood tests — to check your blood type and, sometimes, the levels of pregnancy hormones in your blood. Ultrasound scan — gel is rubbed on your abdomen. A hand-held scanner uses sound waves to provide pictures of the pregnancy.

In very early pregnancy, more information is gained by placing a small, slender scanner in the vagina. You will need to have a full bladder before the scan. An ultrasound scan takes around 15 to 20 minutes.

If an ultrasound is needed, it can be arranged through the emergency department of your nearest hospital or your local doctor. Tests for bleeding problems during later pregnancy Both placenta previa and placental abruption can cause heavy bleeding of bright red blood from the vagina.

Treatment of bleeding problems during early pregnancy The bleeding may be light and stop in a day or two. Bleeding during early pregnancy and taking care of yourself at home You may feel a range of emotions over this time. While there is no specific treatment to prevent a miscarriage, things you can do that may help include: Getting plenty of rest. Using pads rather than tampons while you are bleeding. Avoiding sex while you are bleeding.

Sex can resume once the bleeding has stopped. Taking mild pain relief medication, such as paracetamol, if needed. Reporting any changes in your condition to your doctor. Placenta praevia, placenta praevia accreta and vasa praevia: diagnosis and management, , Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, UK.

More information here. What causes bleeding during pregnancy? Give feedback about this page. The most common signs and symptoms are vaginal bleeding and abdominal or back pain. Placental abruption can cause serious complications if it is not found early. The fetus may not get enough oxygen , and the pregnant woman can lose a large amount of blood.

Placenta previa —When the placenta lies low in the uterus, it may partly or completely cover the cervix. This is called placenta previa. It may cause vaginal bleeding. This type of bleeding often occurs without pain. Some types of placenta previa resolve on their own by 32 to 35 weeks of pregnancy as the lower part of the uterus stretches and thins out. Labor and delivery then can happen normally. If placenta previa does not resolve, you may need to have a cesarean birth.

Placenta accreta —When the placenta or part of the placenta invades and is inseparable from the uterine wall, it is called placenta accreta. Placenta accreta can cause bleeding during the third trimester and severe blood loss during delivery. Most cases can be found during pregnancy with a routine ultrasound exam.

Sometimes, though, it is not discovered until after the baby is born. If you have placenta accreta, you are at risk of life-threatening blood loss during delivery. Your ob-gyn will plan your delivery carefully and make sure that all needed resources are available.

You may need to have your baby at a hospital that specializes in this complication. Hysterectomy often needs to be done right after delivery to prevent life-threatening blood loss. Late in pregnancy, vaginal bleeding may be a sign of labor. If labor starts before 37 weeks of pregnancy, it is called preterm labor. Other signs of preterm labor include the following:. Change in vaginal discharge it becomes watery, mucus-like, or bloody or increase in amount of vaginal discharge.

Regular or frequent contractions or uterine tightening, often painless four times every 20 minutes or eight times an hour for more than 1 hour. In some cases, medications may be given. When preterm labor is too far along to be stopped or there are reasons that the baby should be born early, it may be necessary to deliver the baby.

See Preterm Labor and Birth. Complications: Diseases or conditions that happen as a result of another disease or condition. An example is pneumonia that occurs as a result of the flu. A complication also can occur as a result of a condition, such as pregnancy. An example of a pregnancy complication is preterm labor. Ectopic Pregnancy: A pregnancy in a place other than the uterus, usually in one of the fallopian tubes. Egg: The female reproductive cell made in and released from the ovaries.

Also called the ovum. Fallopian Tubes: Tubes through which an egg travels from the ovary to the uterus. Pap Test: A test in which cells are taken from the cervix or vagina to look for signs of cancer. The tests will be 24 to 48 hours apart. A decline in hCG levels indicates a pregnancy loss. In some people, changes to the cervix can cause mild spotting. Other times, hormonal changes may be responsible. They can rule out more serious causes and put your mind at ease.

Light bleeding or spotting during the second trimester may be caused by irritation to the cervix, usually after sex or a cervical exam. This is common and not usually cause for concern. A cervical polyp is another possible cause for bleeding in the second trimester. This is a harmless growth on the cervix. You may have spotting from the area around the cervix due to an increased number of blood vessels in the tissue there. Heavy bleeding in the second trimester may be a sign of a medical emergency, such as:.

Light bleeding or spotting during late pregnancy may occur after sex or a cervical exam. If you experience heavy vaginal bleeding during late pregnancy, seek emergency medical care. It could be caused by a:.

If you experience a lighter blood flow or light spotting, you should still call your doctor right away. Depending on your other symptoms, you may need an evaluation. About 10 percent of all clinically recognized pregnancies end in miscarriage. You may also experience pain or cramping in your lower back or abdomen, or fluid or tissue passing from your vagina along with the following symptoms:.

Further along in the first trimester, or if there are com plications , you may require a procedure called dilation and curettage — commonly called a D and C — to stop bleeding and prevent infection. If the fetus is no longer alive, you may be given medication to help you deliver the fetus and placenta vaginally or your doctor may decide to surgically remove the fetus using a procedure called dilation and evacuation , also known as D and E.

A second or third-trimester miscarriage requires physical and emotional care. If you work outside your home, ask your doctor when you can return to your office or work site. If you think you need more time for emotional recovery, let your doctor know. They may be able to provide documentation to your employer to allow you to take additional time off. If you plan to get pregnant again, ask your doctor how long they recommend you wait before trying to conceive.

Experiencing a miscarriage can be devastating. Know that a miscarriage is not your fault. Lean on family and friends for support during this difficult time. You can also find a grief counselor in your area.