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How many vets are there

2022.01.06 17:42

Tom Coburn's office finds that more than 1, veterans may have died in the last decade because of malpractice or lack of care from VA medical centers. June 24, - Pauline DeWenter, a scheduling clerk at the Phoenix VA, tells CNN that records of dead veterans were changed or physically altered, some even in recent weeks, to hide how many people died while waiting for care at the Phoenix VA hospital.

The study looked at more than 3, cases and found that dozens of veterans had "clinically significant" delays in care, and six of them died. The report says investigators could not conclusively link their deaths to those delays. November 10, - Secretary McDonald announces the VA has taken "disciplinary action" against 5, employees in the last year, and more firings will follow. Beyond sacking officials that don't meet the VA's values, McDonald says the reforms will include the establishment of a VA-wide customer service office to understand and respond to veteran needs, new partnerships with private organizations and other reorganizations to simplify the department's structure.

She was put on administrative leave following a CNN interview in April, in which she denied the existence of a secret list used to cover up delays in patient care.

December 15, - The VA Inspector General releases a report that indicates a VA fact sheet contained misleading information, overstating the scope of its review of unresolved cases. The VA claims that it reviewed cases dating back to but it only examined cases dating back to The inspector general also questions how the VA resolved an issue with delayed appointments.

The VA reported that it reduced the number of appointments delayed more than 90 days, from 2 million to ,, but did not provide paperwork detailing whether the appointments were canceled or if the patients received treatment, according to the inspector general. About veterans waited six months for an appointment, according to documents provided to CNN. The average wait time, according to documents dated January 15, , was 48 days.

According to the review, more than , deceased veterans were listed as enrollees with pending VA applications. CNN reports that many of the deceased veterans may have died while awaiting treatment.

Hospital officials report that a dentist at the center, hired in October of , improperly re-used his own dental equipment instead of using the sterilized, disposable tools as VA rules require. Shulkin as the new secretary of Veterans Affairs.

It gives department leaders the ability to fire inept employees and protect those who uncover and report wrongdoing. March 7, - A report from the VA's inspector general finds that the Washington DC VA Medical Center has for years "suffered a series of systemic and programmatic failures to consistently deliver timely and quality patient care," and heightening the potential for waste, fraud and abuse of government resources.

March 28, - Trump announces he will replace Veterans Affairs Secretary David Shulkin with Ronny Jackson, who currently serves as physician to the president. April 26, - Jackson releases a statement that he has withdrawn his name from nomination to lead the Department. He says that any allegations of improper behavior against him are false, but have "become a distraction" for Trump and his agenda.

May 17, - It is announced that Trump has donated a quarter of his salary to the Department of Veterans Affairs. Number of female veterans in the United States. Projected number of veterans living in the United States in Education Number of veterans who are less than high school graduates in the United States in Percentage of female veterans who had a Bachelor's degree in the United States in Percentage of male veterans who had a Bachelor's degree in the United States in Employment, income and poverty Median income of full-time working male veterans in the United States.

Median income of full-time working female veterans in the United States. Percentage of employed veterans who worked in the governmental sector in the United States in Number of veterans aged 65 years and older who had income below the poverty line in the U. Expenses for veterans Expenditures on veterans in Texas, United States, in Interesting statistics In the following 4 chapters, you will quickly find the 22 most important statistics relating to "Veterans in the United States".

Statistics on the topic. Overview U. Employment status of U. More interesting topics Related topics. United States. United States Armed Forces.

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