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How many cards citadels

2022.01.06 17:43

Each player takes one of these cards at the beginning of the game. They are useful for gameplay, especially during your first few games. Citadels includes 10 bonus character cards and 14 bonus purple district cards, all marked with a white star. You can add these bonus cards to your Citadels game for more fun and variety.

The bonus character cards are used as follows: Before the game begins, players may agree to remove one or two of the original eight character cards and replace them with the bonus characters of the same rank numbers. For example, you may agree to remove the Merchant 6 and replace him with the Alchemist 6. If you decide to use one of the rank 9 characters in a four- to seven-player game, you must place a number of random cards faceup at the beginning of each round, as detailed in the table below.

When using a rank 9 character card, you can play Citadels with eight players. When playing with eight players, simply use the rule for the seven-player game in which the last player may choose between the remaining character and the facedown character in the middle of the table.

Before the game begins, players may agree to add additional purple district cards to the District Deck from the 14 available bonus district cards.

The Thief can steal neither the Assassin nor the murdered character. You immediately take the Crown card. From the next turn, you will be the one to call the characters and to choose your character first. If no player has chosen the King, the previous king retains the crown. If the King is assassinated, he passes his turn just like any other character.

However, after all other players have played, when he announces that he was the assassinated King, he takes the crown card. You also are protected from the attacks of the Condottiere. You may also build up to three districts during your turn.

At the end of your turn, you can attack a city to destroy a district of your choice. You can destroy a district of cost 1 for free, or you can destroy a district of higher cost by paying its cost minus one 1 coin for a district costing 2 to build, 2 coins for a district costing 3, etc…. The Condottiere can even attack his own city. The Condottiere cannot attack an already finished city which has eight districts. For example, a player may take the income from his districts before building if he needs money to build or after building if the new district earns him money.

However, all district revenues must be collected at one time. A player who has taken them before building will not be able to receive income for the district he is building this turn. First draw one random card from the Character Deck and set it facedown in the center of the table without looking at it. This card will not be used this round. Then draw a second set of cards from the Character Deck and set them faceup in the middle of the table the number of such faceup cards depends on the number of players.

These faceup cards will not be used this round. Special Rule: If you draw the King character to be faceup, immediately replace it with another random card from the Character Deck, and then shuffle the King back into the Character Deck.

The player who currently possesses the Crown now takes the Character Deck, looks at the cards, and secretly chooses a character from those available. He then passes the remaining character cards to the player on his left, who also secretly chooses a card and passes the remaining cards to the left, etc. This process continues until each player has chosen one card from the Character Deck.

After the last player has chosen, the single remaining unchosen card is placed facedown in the center of the table. Once all players have chosen a character card, the player who has the Crown now calls out the name of each character one-at-a-time in the order of numerical rank.

In this way, he first calls out the "Assassin" 1 , then the "Thief" 2 , etc. If no player reveals that character when called, simply call out the next character in rank order.