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How many plagues did moses send

2022.01.06 17:43

Now, of the ten plagues, the eighth one was that of locusts. Moses warned the Pharaoh that God will send so many locusts that they will "cover each and every tree of the land and eat all that is there to be eaten". Every time the Pharaoh refused, a fresh plague was inflicted upon his kingdom.

If we look closely, some eerie examples begin to emerge that reflect a crisis of Biblical proportion! Let me explain. There are the locusts, of course. Interestingly, their route into India has been via Africa. This has caused grave hardship to the indigenous people, who are already on a fire-fighting mode due to the novel coronavirus disease COVID Just like the pandemic, one of the plagues that afflicted the ancient Egyptians mentioned people developing boils all over their bodies.

And then, there was the plague of mass die-offs. Even the animals including tigers, dogs and cats are threatened by it. There was also the plague of hailstorm and fire. The world in has already seen the fires of Australia and the Amazon in This year, it has seen the cyclone Amphan, which has devastated large parts of India and Bangladesh.

As for the three days of darkness, similar scenes were seen recently in the Sahara Desert in Africa. Niamey, the capital of Niger, turned red recently. And if it is indeed a judgment upon us, what does God demand?

Of course, there is always something of which sinful man can repent. However, in biblical times, such as during the 10 Plagues or when God threatened to destroy Nineveh see the book of Jonah , He gave the people a warning of what He was going to do if they did not repent in a such-and-such way.

As far as we know, God has not expressed anger over any specific thing for which we need to repent. Other diseases, like smallpox and cholera, have also had their heyday; in fact, the WHO reports that cholera is still responsible for about 21,, deaths worldwide every year. Even now, the WHO estimates that the seasonal flu regularly claims about , to , lives per year, about 15 to 30 times as many lives as COVID has thus far claimed.

The worst pandemic in recent history, the bubonic plague or the Black Death of the 15 th century, wiped out about million people, taking out more than half and as much as three quarters of the population of Europe. Population levels took around years to return to their previous numbers.

Medieval writing and art of the time reflected a great deal of morbidity and much speculation about the nearness of the end times. The point here is, this pandemic is not a new occurrence, nor does it point to a specific judgment on us. Other pandemics ran their terrible course and the world eventually recovered. What is most important?

Is there anyone in our lives with whom we should reconcile? Times like these remind us how fragile life truly is, and how little control we have. They remind us of where eternal life is found, and Who is in control. We must put our trust in God and follow Him.

God knows what is happening and what is going to happen, and He loves us enough to die for us. Let us rest in that. Plagues of Egypt Definition and Meaning. Alyssa Roat studied writing, theology, and the Bible at Taylor University. She is a literary agent at C. Find out more about her here and on social media alyssawrote. This article is part of our larger End Times Resource Library. Moses, on the right, pleads with God to stop the storm. God told Moses to stretch out his hand over the land of Egypt to bring a plague of locusts.

The locusts covered the face of the land and swallowed up every crop and all the fruits of the trees. Afterwards there was nothing green in the trees, and all the crops in the fields had been destroyed. Moses stretched forth his hand toward heaven, and there was a thick darkness over the land of Egypt. This darkness was so total that the Egyptians had to feel their way around.

Then Pharaoh offered to set the Israelites free, on condition that they let their sheep and cattle remain. But the Israelites needed their animals to sacrifice to god, so they rejected Pharaoh's condition. Enslavement of the Israelites.

The ten plagues of Egypt.