How old is clegg

2022.01.06 17:43

Within a few years he became more retiring and cautious, and the group came to be dominated by Foggy and the "third men" that succeeded him. In series 30 and series 31 he became a secondary character so his role was filled by Entwistle.

He was also the only character to appear in all episodes. Wiki Content. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? The two old mates now lie next to each other in the graveyard at St John's Church, in the Yorkshire Dales town of Holmfirth.

Local greengrocer Alan Bray, a lifelong pal of Bill's who arranged his funeral, said: "Peter wanted to be by the side of his friend even though they were both Londoners. Peter said after Bill died in aged "He pointed down the hill and said, 'That's where I want to be buried'. Alan revealed that Peter phoned him after the service to say he also wanted to be buried in the same churchyard.

He said: "I first met Bill when I was 11 and he asked me the way to his hotel. Peter later rang to say he also wanted to be buried in that churchyard.

Alan added: "It was a very quiet funeral. Germany Kent. Celebrities Born in India. Jishnu Balakrishnan Football Player. Bhagwati Prasad Sagar Politician. Pankit Thakker TV Actor.

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