Should i have a sweep at 40 weeks

2022.01.06 17:44

By Colleen Fisher Tully March 22, Is it worth the additional pain and discomfort you might endure? Also referred to as a membrane sweep, a membrane stripping or simply a sweep, this technique involves gently lifting the amniotic sac—or fetal membrane—from the cervix and lower part of the uterus.

Late in pregnancy, a doctor or midwife inserts a gloved finger through the cervical canal and uses a sweeping motion to separate the membrane from the cervix. The main purpose of a stretch and sweep is to reduce the need for a medical induction after the due date, says Dustin Costescu, an obstetrician in Hamilton, Ont. Contescu says some women even request a stretch and sweep to help get labour started, particularly if they have a history of going past their due date.

You may go into active labour within a few hours, a few days, or not at all—it depends on how ready your body is. As with any time in your pregnancy, if you experience leaking fluid or heavy bleeding afterwards, call your healthcare provider. At this appointment a midwife will talk to you about how you are feeling, and perform a full antenatal check which will include taking your blood pressure, testing your urine and examining your abdomen to assess the growth and position of your baby.

This information will help us when discussing the future care of your pregnancy and possible induction of labour with you. What happens if my waters break? This is known as pre-labour rupture of membranes.

If you think your waters have broken it is important you discuss this with a midwife. You may be invited to attend the hospital for an antenatal check to assess both your well-being and that of your baby and to confirm that your waters have broken. If your waters have broken but you have not gone into labour you will be offered the choice of either:.

These options will be discussed with you at the time so that you can make a decision on which you would prefer. One of the functions of the membranes is to provide a sterile environment for your baby. A membrane sweep may be better closer to 42 weeks than 41 — most women are nearing labour at this point and it is more likely to be effective the closer to going into labour you are. If you are under pressure for an induction it can be a way of compromising and getting things moving without the pressure of further interventions.

Unlike pharmacological methods of intervention, it is more unlikely to trigger the cascade of intervention that you so often hear of associated with an oxytocin drip.

If you choose to decline you will be offered regular monitoring if you go over 42 weeks to check the function of your placenta and levels of amniotic fluid. This is what Hypnobirthing is all about. Although have to remember, every pregnancy is different, and stay positive! My thoughts are that a sweep is a better option than a pharmacological induction, so I have been booked in for mine at 40 weeks.

Reading this makes me more worried. I will be 39 weeks soon and they said they want me to have a sweep at 40 weeks. As an alternative, you could ask for a VE and simply get an indication on what the cervix looks like. Your email address will not be published.