How long for ecu to reset

2022.01.06 17:44

Hi guys I'm a first time user my very first post, thank you. I have to mention, I am very appreciative of this opportunity! To make it short, does the check list that was mentioned Jul 31, at AM have to be completed in consecutive? I left my Smog shop two hours ago, and just now found this thread. I have been driving in circles for the last three days per their request. My question is, Do I need to start this check list first thing tomorrow morning starting from the very first item on list and continue down the list, or since I let it idle this morning for 10 minutes at start up, is that already checked off the list.

Monkey's Ride , Sep 21, I did it all on one shot but the only way you can really tell is if you have a obd2 reader and check whats ready or not. Sweet Crude , Oct 15, Show Ignored Content. Tacomas Spicer X U-Joint Kit. Woolwax Pro Undercoating Gun by Kellsport.

Energy Suspension 8. UView Combustion Leak Tester. Slide Hammer and Puller Set, 14 Pc. The car has to drive in a certain way to get the ECU in the ready mode for an emission inspection. If it is not ready, then it is an automatic failure. That means if your vehicles ECU has been reset recently, then it might not pass the emission test due to not being ready.

Well, luckily for you for the car to get to the ready status certain conditions have to be met. These conditions vary from make and model to make and model, but the following list of conditions is similar to what most cars have to do to get to the ready status or in other words have the ECU relearn things.

If you do these things, then it will count as a drive cycle and help the ECU relearn things. This relearning will help get your car ready for an emission check. Like we have said, your vehicle may be a little different though, so look up specifics for your vehicle to help get your ECU ready for an emission check. You also should use the best bluetooth obd2 scanner to clear check engine light before do an emission check.

So, one other thing you may be wondering is if you should reset ECU or is it important for your ECU to relearn things? Well, the answer to should you reset your ECU is it depends on you. Some people find their car to drive better after resetting and letting the ECU relearn things, while others notice no difference. Honestly, your car should be relearning constantly.

That ties into the second part. The answer is no, not really. The car is constantly relearning all the time. If you just drive the specific conditions for the ECU to relearn will happen. The only time you should be worried if the right conditions are being met is if you have an emissions test soon. Other than that, the ECU will relearn at its own pace, kind of like how us humans learn at our own pace.

So, the answer to how long does it take an ECU to relearn is a complicated one. The real answer is it depends on how you drive. How long does it take to reset the ecu after i disconnect neg cable? Results 1 to 13 of Thread: How long does it take to reset the ecu after i disconnect neg cable?

Thread Tools Show Printable Version. Currently trying to reset it but didn't work after 5 mins? I have a 98 i I "hear from others" to disconnect the negative battery cable for at least 30 minutes. I did reset mine, but I left the cable off for 2 hours.

Two months, maybe three. OR ten seconds with the proper equipment. And if you don't have that equipment, how do you know it needs a reset? Originally Posted by rfrkw.