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Why do lettuce turn red

2022.01.06 17:44

Does cutting lettuce with a knife make it brown? No and no. The frequent admonishment to never cut lettuce with a knife, lest the cut edges turn brown faster than hand torn lettuce leaves, is a myth.

But this isn't true and tearing lettuce does not damage less cells than cutting the leaves with a knife. Is lettuce still good? To tell if your lettuce has gone bad, look for brown or black spots on its leaves, which indicate that it ha started to decay.

The leaves may also be slimy, soft, droopy, or wrinkled if they've gone bad. Fresh lettuce usually has little to no smell, so if it smells bad or pungent, it's best to throw it out. What happens if you eat unwashed lettuce? You can get food poisoning from eating contaminated lettuce.

Lettuce is grown outdoors and may manufactures sell lettuce "as is. Food poisoning occurs when you eat food that is contaminated with an infectious organism, such as listeria. Should you wash lettuce before eating? It's a good idea to always wash lettuce and other leafy greens before you eat them. Although you can purchase pre-washed lettuce bags, they do not taste as good or last as long as fresh lettuce. You can easily wash and dry fresh lettuce in a few minutes for your meal.

How do you keep lettuce from turning pink? However, before you just toss it into your compost, check for these signs. Sliminess indicates that lettuce has gone beyond its edible period. You should discard any lettuce that is slimy, and only eat leaves that are still firm and crispy. A bad smell is also a sign that the lettuce should not be eaten.

Lettuce turns pink when it is exposed to high temperatures and ethylene gas or too much oxygen. Does Baileys Expire or Go Bad? Is Canned Chicken Already Cooked? Cooking Tips. Contents hide. You may also like. As the green pigment gives lettuce, its color starts to get affected; you see redness in the lettuce. It takes about a week before you can finally start to see the red pigments popping in.

Slowly the entire lettuce will turn red and will be too soggy. Did you know that the red lettuce is not fresh? Yes, their abnormality is a sign of staleness. But what causes this nutritious vegetable to go bad? Well, we might get a bit scientific here, so bear with us. So, the lettuce has an infinite number of cells in it, right? Yeah, of course, they do. And this can happen for a number of reasons.

Like too much fertilizer, too little water, or even the wrong amount of sunlight. Whatever the reason is, the result is always the same. The cells end up getting damaged, and the lettuce starts to turn red.

One more thing to be wary about is a rusty blade. Yep, even the blade can cause your lettuce to turn red. Imagine this; you cut half your lettuce and put the other half in the refrigerator. But you use a rusty blade to cut the lettuce. When leaves are damaged through being cut or smashed, cell walls are broken allowing air into the capillaries of the plant. The oxygen acts as a catalyst that triggers an enzyme in the plant to produce off-colored compounds.

Specific storage techniques will help reduce oxidation of leafy vegetables. Lettuces are particularly sensitive to ethylene gas, and this results in redness of the stem or lettuce rib. Ethylene is a common gas abundant in ripening fruits and vegetables.

This is why certain fruits like pears and apples are kept in paper bags to ripen so that the ethylene they emit will surround them and ripen them faster. However, once lettuce shows signs of reddening, it should be used quickly. It may take on a slightly bitter taste, and further deterioration is right around the corner.