What is the difference between pastime and hobby

2022.01.06 17:44

Hi, I wrote a writing and a native teacher corrected some errors of it. He propose to use pastime instead of hobby. Would you please explain the difference between these two world and who can I distinguish the better word in different sentences? Bless you. I do not know any family in which all the members of it sit at a desk and read a story together as a fun activity during vacation.

I believe this may be a boring deed,not an attractive hobby. I like your text very much, tesoke. For "deed" I might say "situation". I would choose "pastime" as your teacher suggested. We can have family hobbies, but more often we have family pastimes.

Thank you so much. I had another questions: 1 In the mentioned sentence, I originally wrote "I do not know any family in which all the members of it sit at a desk and read a story together as a fun during vacation.

I read in dictionary that "fun" is both noun and adjective. So, why cannot I use "fun" in original sentence as a noun and need "activity"? It implies a degree of passion and sustained attention from an individual. A pastime is something that people do for relaxation in their leisure time which may or may not be considered a hobby by those involved.

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What is the function of resorcinol in the seliwanoff's test? How do you maximally develop the intelligence quotient of a child? Get the Answers App. All Rights Reserved. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Answers. A pastime issomething that you do in your spare time, Pass time is somethingthat serves to make time pass agreeably, a pleasant means ofamusement, recreation, or sport, to play cards as a pastime.

Xi Duvenkropp Professional. How do I choose a hobby? Get ready to feel fulfilled. Ardis Monasor Professional. What are examples of hobbies? Examples of interests and hobbies for resume. Music — Playing, Listening. Traveling, Fishing, hunting. Reading, Writing. Strahil Nowk Professional. Is golf a sport? Is Golf a Sport? Carsten Guijo Explainer. Is playing basketball a hobby?

Playing Basketball as a Hobby. A true hobby is something unique that you enjoy doing such ascollecting stamps or playing an outdoor sport. Sports areusually not daily activities that you do everyday, but they areconsidered hobbies because you enjoy doingthem.

Ase Orrico Explainer. Is traveling a hobby or interest? Hobbies are activities that you engage in, while interests are passive ideas or topics. If you are interested in travel but have done very little of it,that would be considered an interest.

Yanet Eret Explainer. Is listening to music a hobby? Listening to music is not just a hobby buta passion that can never tire the soul of the music lover.

Music breaks barriers as any good song irrespective of thelanguage can be heard if the music is good. Plaininstrumental music is actually a wordless delight thatspeaks the mellifluous language of the soul. Eulises Zelezny Pundit.