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What type of projection is used for the political map

2022.01.06 17:44

This transverse cylindrical projection maintains scale along the central meridian and all lines parallel to it. This projection is neither equal area nor conformal. It is most suited for large scale mapping of areas predominantly north-south in extent. This projection was developed and used by the National Geographic Society for continental mapping. The distance from three input points to any other point is approximately correct.

Craster Parabolic. This pseudo-cylindrical equal-area projection is primarily used for thematic maps of the world. See Equal Area Cylindrical. This azimuthal projection is conformal. This pseudocylindrical projection is used primarily as a novelty map.

A pseudocylindrical equal-area projection. This pseudocylindrical projection is used primarily for world maps. This pseudocylindrical projection projection is used primarily for world maps. This equal-area projection is used primarily for world maps. Equidistant Conic. This conic projection can be based on one or two standard parallels. As the name implies, all circular parallels are spaced evenly along the meridians.

One of the easiest projections to construct because it forms a grid of equal rectangles. Equal Area Cylindrical. This projection is an equal-area cylindrical projection suitable for world mapping. This projection is very simple to construct because it forms a grid of equal rectangles. A projection of a global map onto the surface of a polyhedron, which, when expanded to a flat, two-dimensional map, retains most of the relative proportional integrity relative size and shape of global features.

Gall Stereographic. This projection moderately distorts distance, shape, direction, and area. This projection is similar to the Mercator except that the cylinder is tangent along a meridian instead of the equator. The result is a conformal projection that does not maintain true directions. The geocentric coordinate system is not a map projection. The earth is modeled as a sphere or spheroid in a right-handed X,Y,Z system. The geographic coordinate system is not a map projection.

The earth is modeled as a sphere or spheroid. This azimuthal projection uses the center of the earth as its perspective point. Goode homolosine. A pseudocylindrical, equal-area map projection used for world maps. Its equal-area makes it useful for raster data representation.

This coordinate system uses a Transverse Mercator projected on the Airy spheroid. The central meridian is scaled to 0. The Hammer-Aitoff equal-area projection, also called the Hammer projection, is a map projection that is a modification of the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection.

It consists of halving the vertical coordinates of the equatorial aspect of one hemisphere and doubling the values of the meridians from the center Snyder , p. Like the Lambert azimuthal equal-area projection, it is equal area, but it is no longer azimuthal. It is best used for countries that have a long axis, but not an extreme long axis.

Hotine Oblique Mercator. This is an oblique rotation of the Mercator projection. Developed for conformal mapping of areas that do not follow a north—south or east—west orientation but are obliquely oriented. The Krovak projection is an oblique Lambert conformal conic projection designed for the former Czechoslovakia.

Lambert Azimuthal Equal Area. This projection preserves the area of individual polygons while simultaneously maintaining true directions from the center.

Lambert Conformal Conic. This projection is one of the best for middle latitudes. It is similar to the Albers Conic Equal Area projection except that the Lambert Conformal Conic projection portrays shape more accurately than area.

This is a specialized map projection that does not take into account the curvature of the earth. This projection shows loxodromes, or rhumb lines, as straight lines with the correct azimuth and scale from the intersection of the central meridian and the central parallel. This equal-area projection is primarily used for world maps.

Originally created to display accurate compass bearings for sea travel. An additional feature of this projection is that all local shapes are accurate and clearly defined. Miller Cylindrical. This projection is similar to the Mercator projection except that the polar regions are not as distorted. Pseudocylindrical and equal-area; created for world maps. The central meridian is straight and the 90th meridians are circular arcs. Parallels are straight, but unequally spaced.

Scale is true only along the standard parallels of N and S. This is the standard projection for large-scale maps of New Zealand. Provides perspective views of hemispheres. Area and shape are distorted. Distances are true along the equator and other parallels. Oblique Mercator projections are used to portray regions along great circles.

Distances are true along a great circle defined by the tangent line formed by the sphere and the oblique cylinder, elsewhere distance, shape, and areas are distorted.

This perspective projection views the globe from an infinite distance. This gives the illusion of a three-dimensional globe. See Armadillo projection. This projection is similar to the Orthographic projection in that its perspective is from space. In this projection, the perspective point is not an infinite distance away; instead, you can specify the distance. A modified equal-area cylindrical projection presented by German political propagandist Arno Peters as original, but is actually identical to the Gall projection.

The projection is equivalent to the polar aspect of the Stereographic projection on a spheroid. The central point is either the North Pole or the South Pole. Mercator projection is an example of cylindrical projection which became a standard map projection because of its ability to represent lines of steady course.

Mercator distorts the size of geographical objects because its linear scale increases with the increase in latitude. The distortion caused by the Mercator distorts the perception of the entire planet by exaggerating the areas laying far from the equator. Pseudocylindrical projections present the meridian as a straight line while other parallels as sinusoidal curves which are longer than the central meridian.

The scaling of the pseudocylindrical projections are straight along the central meridian and also along the parallels. On a pseudocylindrical map, points further from the equator have higher latitudes than other points, preserving the north-south relationship.

Pseudocylindrical projections include sinusoidal with same horizontal and vertical scales. The Robinson projection was created to show the globe as a flat image readily.

The projection is neither equal-area nor conformal because of the compromise to show the whole planet. In reality, Africa is almost 14 times larger , and Greenland can fit inside China no less than four times. The map also suggests that Scandinavian countries are larger than India, whereas, India is actually three times the size. The biggest criticism for the skewed Mercator projection came in from German filmmaker and journalist Arno Peters. Peters argued that by enlarging Europe and North America, Mercator maps were giving white nations a sense of supremacy over non-white nations.

His solution? An equal-area projection that would show the correct sizes of countries relative to each other. Not that the Gall-Peters projection came without any flaws. In its quest of removing size distortions, the map stretched some places near the poles horizontally to a shocking degree. It also stretched land masses vertically near the Equator. Suggested: Do you know how maps of Game of Thrones were created?

American geographer and cartographer Arthur H. Robinson intended the map, which is neither equal-area nor conformal, as a general purpose tool. I started with a kind of artistic approach. I visualized the best-looking shapes and sizes. Then I figured out the mathematical formula to produce that effect. Most mapmakers start with the mathematics. Interesting: Which map did Christopher Columbus use? Proposed by German cartographer Oswald Winkel in , the Winkel-Tripel projection is quite the opposite of Robinson.

This map projection shows Greenland as the same size as Argentina, and not as the size of all of South America. The National Geographic Society has been drawing all its standard maps using the Winkel-Tripel projection since , and many US schools have followed suit.

February Making Sense of Maps. In History Matters: The U. Survey Course on the Web. Walbert, David. In Map skills and higher-order thinking. Map Projections. Maps as Instruments of Propaganda. Powered by WordPress. Designed by. Global Currents Global Currents has been created to provide the scholar with the latest developments in publishing for areas of Global Studies including economics, business, sociology, history, environmental studies, geography and much more.

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