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Who is ashs rival in hoenn

2022.01.06 17:45

Tyson took advantage of Meowth and won the round, only having to stop Meowth from attacking any further. Then he watched the full battle between Ash and Katie. After a long struggle, both sides struggled to get up. However, Meowth emerged as the only winner. Tyson congratulated Ash on a good fight. Tyson then reached the final and won the Hoenn League Conference, where he had the chance to fight the Hoenn Elite Four. Tyson is generally relaxed and humble.

He enjoys traveling back and forth between cities to get to the nearest gym and taking time to try out the local restaurants. In combat, Tyson is strict and quickly takes control of the situation.

He is a tactical trainer who uses type advantages and brute force. While confident in his abilities, he continues to improve his techniques by watching others fight. He had planned to compete but was late. He appeared later when the group said goodbye to Dawn. He announced that he would be competing in the Unova League, but missed his eighth badge because he thought that only seven badges were required to be able to participate.

He also mistakenly thought that the league in Ecruteak City would be in Johto. Later on, Cameron challenged Marlon to a gym fight for a Wave badge. Despite that, he heard of the announcement that the registration period had expired. Ash hurried with him to the registration desk, where Nurse Joy made an exception for him. In the first round, he fought with his Ferrothorn against Kendrick and his Eelektross.

In the same episode, it was announced that Cameron would face Bianca in the second round in a one-on-one. After standing up to the super-effective Aqua Jet and Hydro Cannon, Emboar used Attract on Samurott, causing it to fall in love and soon be defeated.

Next, Cameron chose Riolu, which Bianca thought was very cute. However, Ash used his Pignite to defeat both Hydreigon and Ferrothorn. In the next round, Cameron fought Virgil but lost. Later, after the official ceremonies, Cameron said goodbye to Ash and his friends before going his own way. When he first saw Poipole, he quickly raised his guard as Poipole was an ultra-beast. He is a childhood friend and former rival of Ash Ketchum.

He even had a group of cheerleaders who cheered him on in all of his battles and went so far as to cry when he lost. Gary loved it when he got the chance to make fun of Ash by bragging about how far behind Ash was compared to him. However, this did not change his arrogance. After his loss, Gary would become more polite and respectful of others and would no longer show any of his arrogant and extravagant tendencies from the past.

This change in attitude would continue to make itself felt during his few appearances during the Johto season. Despite his low opinion of Ash, Gary would make sure to demonstrate his superiority in every possible way during his previous appearances.

Gary got humble and stopped being arrogant and antagonistic towards Ash, though he still teased him at times. At the time of the Silver Conference, Ash and Gary would have a more amicable relationship with each other while maintaining a sense of rivalry. Even after he ended his rivalry with Ash, Gary continued to affect Ash and his further journey and continued to serve as a motivation while helping him at times. Ritchie met Ash outside again. The two could not catch up with Team Rocket and camped out until the next day.

As he walked in, he was spotted by Team Rocket and the trio held him and Ash trapped in the van. Their match began when Ash was finally able to arrive. Despite losing to Assunta in the next battle, Ritchie made it into the top 8 of the League. Their actions caused Butch and Cassidy to withdraw until a submarine was later dispatched to catch the child Lugia. Ritchie and the group later found the child in a cage on a base. Ritchie and Ash fought Butch and Cassidy to stop them. Typson won against Ash and it was later revealed that he defeated the champion and earned the trainer class Champion.

In the episode at the end of the fray, Typson says his last goodbyes to Ash and his Friends before leaving as Well. Coming in as number five we have Paul, Ash first rival in the Sinnoh series. When he got it he traveled through Kanto, Johto and Hoenn to challenge the league there.

However he lost in the league there and he travels back to Sinnoh. He challenge Ash later in the series but since Ash had lost Pikachu, he ignored Paul request for battle and he left.

Later in the series Paul loose to Ash in the Sinnoh league and he leaves because of his hard lost. Paul later see Ash Vs Tobias on the TV but seeing this he was sad and leaves Maybe because he had something to think about what he could do different.

Paul wasn't seen later after this but he is Probably on a journey learning what he could do different. Coming in as number Six we have Barry, Ash second rival in the Sinnoh series. In the series Barry is challengeing the gyms just like Ash but unlike Paul his other rival, Barry is a more Nice person who easily comes over a loss.

However Ash thinks that Barry's battle style is weird and see him as a problem sometimes. Barry has a competive spirit and he is eager to challenge anyone and make them his Friends after the battle. Coming in as number Seven we have Tobias, Ash rival in the Sinnoh when he challenge the Sinnoh league. Tobias is a very mysterious boy with no past where he lived or comed from.

In the Sinnoh league it is seen that he has captured a Darkrai and a Latios. In the Sinnoh league no one was able to defeat his Darkrai and it was revealed that he managed to defeat all gym leaders with just Darkrai. The judges decided to give the battle to Tobias and make him the winner of the battle.

Ash accepted defeat and shaked hands with Tobias and he saw him from now on as his Rival. They also said that they should battle again sometime to have a battle where they don't end up tie.

To bad it never happend and it was also never revealed that Tobias went to take on the elite Four. Coming in as number eight we have Trip, Ash first rival in the Unova series.

Trip has a frikin long biography in the series so i just tell you a little about him to not make it to long Imao. He than challenged Ash Pikachu to battle since he likes battling strong opponents. Trip defeated Ash and called him weak since he thought a rare Pikachu would be strong. Later in the series Trip challenged the gyms where he did Well. Also as the series continued he battled Ash many timers but Ash lost all the time they battled since Trip grew stronger everytime. In the series Trip also participated in special tornuments where his wish was to beat Alder the champion of Unova.

He got to battle Alder once but he lost since he underestimated the champion. As the series continued Trip battled Ash in the Unova league and there he lost finally to Ash's Pikachu. Coming in as number nine we have Bianca, Ash second Rival in Unova.

Just like Trip, Bianca has a frikin long story in the series so i just tell you a little of it to not make this blog Damn long.

Bianca was first introduced when she ran into Ash and by this he fell into a river which wasn't the last time XD Later when he clothes were Dry, Ash helped Bianca catch a wild Minccino with her Pignite. When she finally captured it she left on her journey again. Later in the series she met her dad who wanted to take her back home because he thought she wasn't ready for a journey yet.

But with the help from Ash and his Friends, Bianca managed to defeat her Father and her journey continued. As in later in the series she participated in toruments and battled other trainers. Later she participated in the Unova league where she did Well.

She managed to defeat many trainers until she lost to Cameron during the battle where his Riolu used copycat to defeat Bianca's emboar. When the league was finished Bianca went to professor Juniper to help with her research and later she became her assistant. Coming in as number ten we have Stephan, Ash third Rival in the Unova series.

Also Stephan has a freakin long story in the series so i just short it a little to not make the blog to long. Stephan was first introduced in the series when he challenged Ash to a battle.

Ash wins the battle and Stephan promise to train stronger to defeat Ash later and then he became Ash rival. Later in the series Stephan could random appear and help Ash and his Friends defeat team Rocket and many other things. Stephan also participated in many tornuments with Ash where he once one and later lost in other battles. Stephan also participated in the Unova league where he was defeated by Ash.

When the Unova league was over they went seperate ways. Coming in as nunber eleven we have Cameron, Ash rival in the Unova series.

Him and Gary are no longer rivals anymore though. They ended their rivalry and became friends at the end of the Silver Conference. Also, don't forget Gary decided to become a researcher, so him and Ash aren't competing anymore to become pokemon masters.

As for the two of them running into each other in Hoenn, that would've been great! I would've like to have seen a reunion between them, but since Gary's voice actor quit the show in Japan, they don't use his character anymore. It's in their nature to be competitive with each other. But what Ash needs is someone who has the same goal in mind, someone who will race him throughout the region and compete with him in a league.

Gary no longer is that person. I forgot about that silver conference thing Oh well Maybe this time, a girl o. Misty is more of Ash's friend than a rival Though if they made her his rival, that would be interesting o.