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Who is kahlee sanders

2022.01.06 17:45

Go to Link Unlink Change. Cancel Create Link. Disable this feature for this session. Rows: Columns:. Enter the URL for the tweet you want to embed. Shu Qian, a genius in artificial intelligence research. However, she discovered that some of the research at Sidon was hidden and contrary to her orders.

This confirmed that Qian was experimenting with ancient and terribly dangerous technology without supervision. She also felt that her boss was not being himself. But Sanders lacked a clear idea of what she was doing. It all could be a huge mistake. The research at Sidon was illegal by Council laws, and she might have stumbled upon things the Alliance knew about but was hiding even from her.

Furthermore, convincing anyone that the highly respected and extensively connected Dr. Qian had somehow gone bad was a long shot. Especially if he sought to stop her. Paralysed with indecision, she was on Elysium when she heard that the Sidon base had been attacked and all therein massacred. Furthermore, she soon realised that she was hunted. A Blue Suns mercenary badly passing himself for a Systems Alliance MP attempted to detain her, but she mauled him and fled. By that point she had but one card left.

Jon Grissom had taken an early retirement at just 50, and was living on Elysium. Though he was now a bitter, unkempt hermit burnt out by fame and adulation, Grissom agreed to help his daughter.

Thus, Anderson covertly surveilled the house. The second was an elite Krogan bounty hunter named Skarr. He would have massacred Sanders and Grissom had Anderson not intervened. Even then, the three Humans might have been killed without the arrival of the Spectre Saren Arterius. Arterius was investigating the Sidon attack and had also tracked Sanders down. Kahlee fed Saren a story about biotics research. She knew the covert supply chains used by the Sidon base, and these led them to the main Batarian colony in the Verge.

However they were one step behind Saren. By that point, Sanders was certain that Anderson was genuinely trying to help her. Thus, she felt guilty over having only told him part of the truth.

She explained her full conclusions about Dr. Qian, and handed over her data. Anderson arranged for Sanders to be evacuated. The mentally altered doctor wanted Sanders alive to help him with his research. She soon realised that the plan was to force her to collaborate using isolation and starvation — and torture if necessary. Thankfully, Anderson managed to rescue her.

Nevertheless, he was blamed for the huge collateral damage. But this devastation has actually been wrought by Saren Arterius while killing Qian and his allies. Sanders soon recovered from her wounds and dehydration. Thus, the Alliance had her transferred to a new classified military research project. While she and Anderson had developed romantic feelings, the pair agreed that pursuing a relationship was logistically unworkable. They regretfully said their goodbyes. Sanders worked as a military researcher for 10 more years before leaving for the private sector.

She then worked for five years as a highly reputed freelance consultant. Kahlee was then hired by the Jon Grissom Academy. It was a special school, coincidentally named in honour of her father.

This space station trained young geniuses to live up to their full potential. Kahlee was detailed to one of the schools therein : Project Ascension. Ascension was the newest round in the effort to develop biotic potential in Human children. The previous Biotic Acclimation and Temperance training program BAAT had broken bad due to corporate malfeasance and mistreatment of the children.

To make the differences clear, Ascension allowed extensive parental visits. They also primarily employed civilians under direct supervision of the Alliance. Furthermore, she considered that working with children was a benefit.

Still, Ascension was a discreet project, in order not to spook the parents of non-biotic children considered for the Academy. One gets the impression that she was the Chief Scientific Officer or an equivalent. These marked significant gains in power and safety over the L3.

She and her team personally monitored the implants in the Ascension Project children and teenagers. Their goal was to prevent side effects similar to those that had plagued the L2 implants.

Most of the subjects were about 12 and from the Yandoa minor colony. A major Element Zero transportation accident there had exposed numerous fetuses to dark energy and created 37 biotic children.

During her work at Grissom, Kahlee had an extended fling with Dr. Jiro Toshiwa, a researcher 20 years her junior. In , there was a major attack on the Citadel, lead by Saren. However, Kahlee could only vaguely suspect that it was linked with what had brainwashed Dr. Qian into murderous insanity almost 20 years before. Kahlee and Jiro paid particular attention to Gillian Grayson.

This girl was a 12 year-old biotic and genius with a high-functioning autistic condition. In , Cerberus had had Paul Grayson hand over his adoptive daughter to the Ascension Project in order to piggyback on their research.

Though Paul Grayson clearly had a substance abuse problem, Kahlee empathised with him. War Assets are all the resources and allies gathered by Commander Shepard during the journey to defeat the Reapers. War Assets contribute their Total Military Strength, in order to increase the Effective Military Strength, which determines success in the final showdown against the Reapers. Some War Assets can improve or decrease their Total Military Strength depending on some choices made during the course of the game.

First Lieutenant Kahlee Sanders joined Grissom Academy's board of directors after she gave up her military career. Saren doesn't entirely believe her, but the lie is convincing enough to make him leave. With the help of one of her father's underworld contacts, Kahlee is sneaked off Elysium under a false identity with Anderson to protect her. Once she knew she could trust him, Kahlee gives Anderson an OSD containing the research she took from the base, and explains that Qian is the traitor who caused the destruction at Sidon.

Kahlee and Anderson then head to Camala to follow up a lead on Qian's supplier, Dah'tan Manufacturing , only to find the Dah'tan facility destroyed. Circumstances force her to be shipped off Camala, however during the shipment, Kahlee is captured by Skarr and coerced with the threat of torture to assist Dr.

Qian with his research. Anderson and Saren storm the refinery where Dr. Qian and Kahlee are being hidden - having argued with Saren about saving her, Anderson manages to rescue Kahlee just before Saren destroys the facility and kills many of the workers and their families in the process. After the conflict, Kahlee is promoted and transferred to a classified posting.

Though she and Anderson are attracted to each other, they choose not to pursue the relationship. Kahlee spends the next ten years working on classified projects for the Alliance before she eventually returns to civilian life as a consultant.

After three years, in , she is offered a position on the Ascension Project 's board of directors, likely because of the Ascension Project's use of VIs in their new biotic implants. She also begins a relationship with a co-worker, Dr.

Jiro Toshiwa , and makes friends with the Academy's security chief Hendel Mitra , though they sometimes clashed over Paul Grayson 's right to see his daughter. After hearing of the geth attack on the Citadel , Kahlee wonders if there is a connection between Qian's artifact and Saren's flagship Sovereign , but she is more concerned with the welfare of the children at the Project, particularly Gillian after an incident in the Academy's cafeteria.

When Jiro Toshiwa is revealed as a Cerberus agent, attacking Hendel when he tries to protect Gillian, Kahlee doesn't hesitate to use her Alliance combat training to subdue Toshiwa and have him interrogated. Not knowing Paul Grayson is a Cerberus operative as well, Kahlee agrees to let him remove his daughter from the Academy and take her into the Terminus Systems , on the condition that she and Hendel accompany them.

However, Paul Grayson is double-crossed by his old colleague, Pel , and Kahlee realises they are about to be sold to the Collectors. She is rescued when Lemm'Shal nar Tesleya launches an assault on Pel's warehouse, but doesn't understand why the young quarian recognises her or how he knows her service history with the Alliance. Kahlee drives a stolen rover through the warehouse wall and helps Lemm to steal a shuttle to take them to the safety of the Migrant Fleet.

Along with Gillian and Hendel, Kahlee is quarantined aboard their shuttle on the cruiser Idenna until summoned to a meeting with members of the Conclave and Admiralty Board.

She is asked about her expertise in synthetic intelligence, and about her history with Saren Arterius, but Kahlee couldn't tell them anything conclusive about Saren or the Reapers. She is also concerned that her actions at Sidon might have enabled Saren to attack the Citadel itself. However, as Captain Ysin'Mal vas Idenna tells her later, even the possibility that the quarians could find a Reaper and use it to control the geth made Kahlee and the others a potent political symbol aboard the Migrant Fleet.

Kahlee is on the front lines when Paul Grayson and Cerberus attacks the Idenna, fighting to help defend the ship and to keep Gillian Grayson from harm. When the battle goes badly, Kahlee goes looking for Gillian, only to be attacked by Golo and viciously beaten while Paul Grayson watches.

She appeals to Grayson's love for his daughter, telling him that Gillian had been happy aboard the Flotilla, and Cerberus is just turning her into a weapon to use against the rest of the galaxy.