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Is it possible to come on too strong

2022.01.06 17:46

There is a difference, though, between a healthy pursuit of a relationship, and coming on far too strong. Is your guy falling on the side of coming on far too strong? There is some room for error, here: some people want to be pursued aggressively, while they sit back and wait for someone to come to them, while others want to engage in the form of mutual pairing, where both parties simultaneously demonstrate interest in one another, and move forward on equal footing, as equal parts of a partnership.

Coming on too strong often looks like overwhelming someone with calls, texts, or in-person visits, trying to forge commitments after only a few days of knowing one another. Coming on too strong can initially feel flattering, but can also be a means of creating discomfort, fear, and uncertainty within a relationship. In some cases, coming on a little strong is largely harmless, and signals someone excited about your relationship, and wants to see it flourish.

In some cases, though, coming on strong is an indication of jealousy, deceit, or control issues, all of which have the potential to harm you and your partner. If, at any point, you feel unsafe in your relationship, be sure to reach out to someone who can help, like a trusted friend, or mental health professional. When he is coming on strong you signal you are not ready, and he does not hack down, this could be dangerous.

In an ideal world coming on strong is a warning sign. This is a serious red flag that should make you jump ship immediately because in the long term it could turn into abuse. Controlling behavior can be difficult to detect and is often seemingly harmless at first.

He might also demand that you do things according to his timetable, such as seeing a movie at the time most convenient for him, rather than taking your needs into account, or monopolizing the restaurants the two of you eat when you go out. Often, people who struggle with control issues will exhibit smaller, more palatable types of control, and continually build up to reach more intense levels of control and manipulation.

At the outset, little trials can help someone determine how much control you are willing to relinquish over your life and decisions. Gaslighting is a form of emotional abuse that can also seem innocuous at first. Again, this type of manipulation often starts small and begins to build, but does so at a slow enough pace that it can be hard to detect until you find yourself wondering if you are crazy, or unlovable, or too dramatic ever to be taken seriously.

The danger of gaslighting is that, over time, it breaks down your ability to trust yourself, and can make you feel as though you have lost your mind. Using guilt to manipulate someone is never healthy, appropriate, or safe.

Although it is a common joke that parents use guilt to control and sway their children, using guilt is a dangerous tactic, as it pins all of the weight and responsibility on the person being controlled while relieving the controller of all responsibility.

He might look for signs, like having a compatible zodiac sign, or other irrelevant connections. Guilt is an effective control tactic, but can make you feel as though you do not have a say in your own life, and can make it seem as though you are an ungrateful, horrible human being, even if this is light-years from the truth.

Any form of manipulation is dangerous, and staying in a relationship with any form of abuse can wreak absolute havoc on your emotional and mental well being. Double standards are another red flag to watch out for, as many men will deal almost exclusively in double standards-especially abusive ones. You might notice that he places a lot of emphasis on knowing where you are at all times, and making sure that you are checking in, but fails to ever truly let you in on where he is, what he is doing, or who he is doing it with.

Double standards can also start small and grow. But ignoring double standards is one of the most common mistakes women and men make in the very beginning phases of a relationship. Initially, double standards might seem minuscule: he wants you to text him back quickly, but he can take a day or two to respond.

He might grow frustrated with your propensity for emotional outbursts, but then lash out in anger at the drop of a hat. Any rule, unspoken or spoken, that favors him over you and demonizes behavior when you do it, and accepts it when he does it, is not reasonable or appropriate. You and your partner should both have friends, interests, and activities outside of one another, to maintain a well-balanced and robust life.

That being said, if you find that your partner is not only going out without you, or engaging in favored activities without you, but seems jumpy and uncomfortable if you ask questions about what he did, glance at his phone, or request to use his computer for any length of time, that could signal a problem. Many people feel uncomfortable and violated if someone looks at their computer or phone, as many people use these devices as journals, of sorts, through placing important pictures, saving important information, and imbuing their personalities and preferences into their electronic equipment.

When is not a mild discomfort, though, but extreme jumpiness, defensive behavior, or all-out panic that your partner exhibits when you go near his things, it could indicate that your partner is hiding something. It's best to give anyone some space — especially someone that you're just getting to know.

There is a fear of losing them and this shows up as being clingy or needy which can actually drive them away, especially in the beginning of a relationship. World globe An icon of the world globe, indicating different international options.

Get the Insider App. Click here to learn more. A leading-edge research firm focused on digital transformation. Jennifer Hussein. You text first — all the time. You make a habit of double, triple, or quadruple texting. Coming over unannounced Surely you know this is a mistake, right? Remember, most men are creatures of habit, so an unannounced visit is a good way to get us all out of sorts and scare us off. It also makes you seem just a little bit crazy.

Having the relationship talk too soon Can we wait for more than a few dates to talk about where this is going? Is that too much to ask? Trying to talk about commitment too soon is one of the best examples of how you ladies come on too strong. Remember, guys have a life and a schedule to maintain that may not involve you.

That kind of behavior tends to frighten us and makes us think that things are getting too serious too quickly. We like you, we just need you to ease back a little bit.

Speaking in innuendo OK, making one or two suggestive comments can be fun and a good way to let us know that you may be interested in getting physical later, but only speaking to a guy in innuendos will get a little creepy after a while.

Walking hand in hand all night is probably way too much too soon. Sharing every detail of yourself is like trying to fast-forward the relationship, which is definitely a way to come on too strong.