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Lost odyssey where to get aqua

2022.01.06 17:46

Project Pages Project Coding. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Aqua Sphere. Edit source History Talk 0. Cancel Save. To make the flux ring, you must make sure you have 1 Aqua Ring, and 7 Rainbow Coral. Cold Water Stone: Can be bought at any basic shop. Also, take note that the Flux ring is a level 3 ring. Level 2 Rings, and Level 3 rings, will not appear until you create ringmaker or possess find in chest a Ring of that level.

Example: Find a level 2 ring in a chest, and the level 2 rings will become available for assembly. The same applies for level 3.

More topics from this board Another console? Best place to level? The guides contradict each other. Jansen will use Power Drinks on the heroes meanwhile Seth and Kaim first, then Sed : the boss should only have two turns or even just one before taking defeat.

If Cooke or Jansen die, nevermind; if the other three die, use an Angel Plume, especially if it's Seth. You will also get Leveler right after. Seriously, MP and 4S as casting time? I know the Snowfields should have been the last, but it'll take just a moment: go to the Main Street and enter the Artists' Salon it's the southern building , then speak twice with the first man on the left as you enter to lend him the three Tablet Fragments and receive 3 Decaying Particles.

I will leave them for last since they are the most challenging and time consuming of the game and you would come out of them overpowered. Besides, I'm sure you're curious to know how the story proceeds. Let's move on then: from the Western Shore of Uhra, head south towards the big white circle where you got one of the two Level 3 treasures and break through the ice with the White Boa. When it asks, say you're ready: the "You cannot return to this point" warning means you won't exit the next area before completing it, but when it's done you'll be out again in other words, it's not a definite non-return point.

Make a save file outside, just to be safe. Map of the area lower zoom here Note: this is a one-time-only area. Introduction note: in addition to the usual random encounters which I suggest skipping to conserve your MP there are seven monsters on the field, which can drop the White Charm Auto HP Recovery is its skill. Not unique but sure helpful item, which can be got in other ways too later. Anti-Petrify is a must. Lv 8 Spirit Magic and Reversa spirit magic spell will be widely used from now onwards by Kaim and Seth.

Engine Section - 4. Here's the only save point of the area. In this whole place there will be some huge conduits which you can cross only if you shut off the steam blown on them, and the four switches will do it. Second Boiler - 4. In the Armory you will find most the Experiment No. There are two available now: open their capsules for a forced fight. They all have 11, HP and are strong against physical attacks Sed is the only exception.

They can enhance their stats using Powerus and Mindus and they can cast Shadowus it doesn't add statuses nor does it drain MP; it's more "Mack's" Shadowus than Persona's. It can also use an elemental mine, which is the least of the problems. Their physical hits are strong. The Aneira Ring worn on Sed will delay his spells, so it's very useful. You will also notice how they recover a good amount every turn, which is the effect of the White Charm after all.

The drop rate is very low though, and the charm isn't THAT important: don't bother with it too much, just take it if you're lucky and nevermind if you're not.

Keep in mind, however, that to get it you'll have to get through one of the hardest, if not the hardest and longest, fights of the backyard. Then again, this charm doesn't provide a game-breaking support. Fall down in the windy tunnel. Second Boiler 2 - 4. The moving platform is currently on the opposite side, so you'll reach I from another point. Exit north. Armory 2 - 4. Two more Experiment No. Get the item and ride the platform back, go in Armory 2 again and this time ride the elevator north the one just east the one you used to arrive in Armory 2.

Engine Section 2 - 4. You could proceed as soon as you arrive, but you'd miss the items. Take the ladder down the one opposite the elevator you use to arrive here and go all the way to reach switch 3 you can't reach the part where switch 4, J and K are yet. Afterwards you can either fall deliberately or climb the ladders down to reach the two items first, and then off from another pipe the switch which actually only creates a shortcut.

First Boiler - 4. Get the first three items first, then climb the ladder up. This time the steam can't be stopped, you have to go around it: follow the path going north, then down two ladders and up another one don't fall in the windy tunnel opposite the ladder going up: it only sends you back to previous sections , then proceed north to find the last three items and the last seventh Experiment No.

Boss Fight 16 - 6 Nefarious Saint There were seven Saints, you'll only fight six of them depending on something you did a while ago one didn't resurrect, and you chose who. Start casting All-Barricadus. You should have all the third-grade spells Flarus and company which will one-shot the Saints if they land on the correct one. A quick way to dispatch of the White Saint is using Reversa on him instead than the rather weak "Shinus" which also takes a while to land without quickening skills for your spellcasters.

If the Black is here, start casting Stone on him since it's not an instant-effect. The fight will be simple, they don't hit too strong especially if you're barricadus-ed. Aneira Ring and more generically any attack by your melee fighters is more than welcome if they don't have anything better Reversa or physical hits for the Gold Saint to do.

The next dungeon has slightly more powerful enemies speaking of bosses , and as for preparation it's advisable to have Absorb Fire Sarah's Notebook or at least something to nullify it on Kaim and Seth minimum. The Flarus Bombs and Windus Bombs suggested a while ago are for this dungeon here, but aren't a must at all they're just handy because you need to synchronize your damage outputs A map here would be more harmful than helpful, so we'll go with text. This dungeon will be easier to follow than the previous, but is very "dynamic".

You'll see what I mean. Introduction note: in addition to Absorb Fire there aren't other requirements for a good preparation, but Lv 8 Spirit Magic and the spell Reversa on Kaim and Seth will help a lot. There is still another way to get the White Charm courtyard battles later.

Upper Connector - 4. From where you start follow the path, climb down a ladder, go south and climb another one down to reach a switch: activate it. Then take the elevator northwest. Follow the path south and operate the switch on the way: it will move things around you. When the animation is over, go east to find the first chest and then go west to climb two ladders up to the next area. Transportation Lift - 4. Here you have a central control panel which will rotate, raise and lower the platform where you're on.

I'll add pictures just in case you mess up on your own and need to find the correct position again. I will bold the commands you have to do the order is important on the way. This is the default position you should see. Here's how you start. Before touching it, pick the Enchanted Necklace southeast. Rise and pick the chest with Godly Dragon Tears west.

Left, Rise, go on your right which is southwest on the map and follow the path all the way to southeast where the Lord's Earrings chest is.

Magic Control Section - 4. From where you start go northeast and operate the switch. Then go east and you'll find a strange red button : grab the machinery and push it in. Take the ladder down south from here to reach another second red button: push it in. Then climb back and take the ladder on your right going up. You will find three switches as soon as you're up, but ignore them for now.

Instead, go north and west to find the third red button to push in. If you see a chest northeast nevermind: we'll get it later. After pushing the third red button climb the ladder down and this time go climbing the first ladder you came across in this area left of the only switch you operated.

As you're up you'll find another, fourth, red button push it in. Don't take the elevator yet, but go past it to find the chest with Ambrosia. Then go back climbing down the ladder and then return to the previous area climbing another ladder down. Magic Control Section 2 - 4.

On the left as soon as you start there's Mana Prime , then you'll have to turn off the switch at the correct moment so the huge bar stops when it's down like this if you fail you can operate the switch again to make it move again and one more time to attempt to stop it again.

Note that the game shows you also the position of three wheels stopping, but they don't matter right now: just focus on the bar closest to you now.

This allows you to jump and proceed to reach Reflect southwest of this area. As you come back, operate the switch again to make the bar and wheels move once again and return to Magic Control Section climb the southwest ladder when you are in Transportation Lift. Climb the eastern ladder up to reach the three switches again and time them so the wheels stop with the bar horizontally like this , allowing you to pass and reach the chest with Wyvern's Tail.

At last you can take the elevator I previously told you to ignore from the three switches climb the ladder down, climb the ladder up on the west and proceed. Here we're going to "prepare" for the next bosses. If you have Lv 8 Spirit Magic with Kaim and Seth and the spell Reversa, approach upstairs where the magic barrier field is and unleash your sadistic side leaving Kaim up the ladder so he touches the barrier no need to walk towards it: if he's close enough the barrier will hurt continuously by itself until both Kaim and Seth have 1 HP left.

Heal everyone except Kaim and Seth who will be left at 1 HP. Magic-Powered Unit - 4. Both the chests are after the boss fight. Approach the central switch for a scene, then speak with Sed when you're ready. Absorb Fire wasn't suggested for this fight here, so you may not have it: all you need now is Reversa. The party will split at your choice: put Kaim and somebody who isn't Seth in one group, Seth and somebody else in another group choose magicians.

If you fail to synchronize the deaths of the enemy it will be game over. Using only bombs to attack allows you to perfectly synchronize the damage, but anyway you have nothing to worry when you're going to one-shot both the generals 4, HP each, the first has Wind element and the second has Earth element with Reversa.

Sed's command "Adjust Output" will prevent the next-turn General from healing at the beginning by HP , but for a fight which will last only one turn it doesn't really matter. Don't heal Kaim and Seth just yet. Get the chests in the northwest and northeast corners, then go southwest and ride the elevator to the "Upper floors". Go north and wait for the piston to be down, then jump on it to take a ride, then jump off and keep going to trigger another boss fight this is when Absorb-Fire is required.

Boss Fight 18 - Magic Beast Reversa means starting with 8, HP of damage to this Beast-type enemy out of 26, he has; he has no element, but has a fire-elemental attack , then keep using it or switch to regular Attacks if you get "overhealed" by Absorb Fire.

This enemy can attack with "Sonic Quake" single line damage , Ground Strike one-character hit and Flare Core fire damage on everyone. They are all very strong attacks, but you will deal a lot of damage to him.

This enemy seems to prefer targeting the second row of characters. Don't bother much with healings or protections, just try to end it quick. Aquaus or other level 3 spells will work good 2, HP of damage for an Aquaus. You can heal now. We'll have to walk. DO NOT go up the stairs now that the barrier is gone yet. Take the ladder you used earlier to go down again. You'll also need the Yellow Band for Jansen, so while going through that area make sure to check each machine as they drop an important item.

On the right of the first sandmaze screen, is the one which drops Yellow Band that teaches him anti-paralysis. That way he won't ever get paralyzed from casting. User Info: kinggabbo. You can also buy the Aqua spell from the area before the sea of baus. I think it may be a construction base or something. It is in a hidden room that you have to get to by moving some boxes and not being seen by guards. Go down the ladder and I think there is a shop down there.

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