Should i bandage shin splints
Continuing to run with shin splints is not a good idea. Continuing the exercise that caused the painful shin splints will only result in further pain and damage that could lead to stress fractures. You should either eliminate running for a while or at least decrease the intensity with which you train. Before running, wrap your affected leg with an Ace bandage or KT tape. Wrap from the leg above the ankle to just below the knee. Do this each time you go out for a run. Wrapping your leg absorbs stress as you run but by no means is a cure.
Consider cross-training as you wait for shin splints to heal. Inflammation, more often than not, causes pain. So, if anywhere between your knees and ankles become painful, you could have shin splints, or as medical professionals like to call them, medial tibial stress syndrome.
Learning the correct technique on taping for shin splints can help relieve some of your pain and prevent future injuries. This simple taping technique will help you to reduce the tension and pulling of the tissues attached to your shin bone.
Follow these five simple steps to relieve and prevent shin splints:. If you have sensitive skin, apply a layer of Elastoplast Pre-Taping Underwrap prior to taping with rigid strapping tape.
This will create a barrier between your sensitive skin and the rubber zinc oxide coated tape. Fix one end of the rigid strapping tape on the bony ridge of your lower leg, just above the ankle and pull the tape towards your outer leg. Wind the tape around the back of your leg back towards the inside in an upwards direction. When taping, ensure the tape is rigid without being too tight or restrictive. To help the tape adhere to your skin, shave the affected area.
This will also make it less uncomfortable to remove the tape. Research shows that KT tape may help to improve function in people with shin splints. A small study found that KT tape was effective in reducing pain and improving hop distance in people with hyperpronation. The taping method was more effective than standard orthotics.
Kinesiology tape may improve circulation and muscle relaxation in the affected area, which helps reduce pain and discomfort. It may also support the affected area and ease pressure and tension on the muscles.
Using tape may also restrict unwanted movement, making you less likely to move in ways that lead to injury. Remember that the most important aspect of healing shin splints is rest. Limit your activity to give muscles the chance to recover. Here are a few tips to aid in a speedy recovery:. Compression products may help support your lower legs and reduce stress to the area. You can use compression sleeves, socks, or bandages. Consider orthotics if you have flat feet or recurring shin splints.
These shoe inserts relieve lower leg pressure and help to align and stabilize your ankles and feet. You can buy custom or over-the-counter orthotics. To prevent long-term issues, treat shin splints as soon as you develop symptoms. Depending on the severity and duration of your shin splints, it can take a few weeks or months to heal shin splints completely. You should also call your doctor if your shins are swollen, red, or hot to the touch.
She earned her B. Recovery Time for a Torn Plantar Fascia. Share on Facebook. Hold one end of your Ace bandage just above the ankle. Pull any slack out of the Ace bandage, ensuring that it is tightly wrapped.