Spongebob what kind of place is this
Cuts to his view with the telescope] Wow, four stingers. Cuts to the jellyfish, where SpongeBob floats over it with his net. Cuts to the jellyfish alone, where SpongeBob's foot stretches out from off-screen and then the rest of his body appears.
He attempts to grab the jellyfish in his net, but he catches himself in the net, then the jellyfish flies away. In the background, a young girl's voice is heard struggling. SpongeBob looks down a cliff and sees a land creature trying to fight a giant clam that's attempting to eat her.
SpongeBob gasps. Y'all need to learn some manners! SpongeBob: Hooray, land squirrel! Cuts to SpongeBob, who is shocked, his glasses shoot up] Look out! He jumps high in the air, and lands on top of the clam; he poses on top of the giant clam.
Prepare to be vanquished! He jumps into the clam's mouth and starts to strangle its tongue. SpongeBob sees that Sandy has already escaped and the clam swallows him now. The clam whimpers. Sandy leans down to see if SpongeBob is okay. Sandy: Sandy.
SpongeBob: [runs up a big rock] I'm SpongeBob! Watch this [prepares to do a karate move, but all he does is make an armpit fart noise. Sandy walks on-screen giggling] Sandy: I like you, SpongeBob. Why, we could be tighter than bark on a tree.
Say, what is that thing on your head? Sandy: Why, that's my air helmet. SpongeBob: May I try it on? Sandy: Heck no. I need it to breathe. I gotta have my air. SpongeBob: Me too. I love air. Air is good. Sandy: No kidding? SpongeBob: Why, "air" is my middle name. The more air, the better. Can't get enough of that air. Sandy: Shee-oot. How about comin' over tomorrow for tea and cookies then?
SpongeBob: Okay, see you tomorrow. Patrick is sun tanning on his rock] Patrick! Patrick, Patrick, Patrick! What's air? Patrick: Huh? SpongeBob: I just met this girl. She wears a hat full of Patrick: Do you mean she puts on "airs"? SpongeBob: I guess so. Patrick: That's just fancy talk. If you wanna be fancy, hold your pinky up like this. The higher you hold it, the fancier you are.
SpongeBob: [holds his pinky up] How's that? Patrick: Higher. SpongeBob: Like that? Patrick: Now that's fancy. They should call you SpongeBob FancyPants. You can do it, SpongeBob. I'll be watching. SpongeBob: Hi-ya, Sandy. Sandy: Hold on a sec, I'll let you in. SpongeBob: [whistles then all the water goes down the drain, then bangs on the door] Sandy! Open up! There's no water in Nuttin' but air. SpongeBob: [waves his hand around and smells the air] No water?
Sandy: That ain't a problem, is it? SpongeBob: Problem? That's how I like my air! As soon as she leaves, he lets it all out, and gets black circles around his eyes] With no water. Sandy: [cartwheeling] Well, alright. I made Texas tea and cookies. Well, come on in! Sandy runs, gets SpongeBob, takes his hand, and runs off] You're a funny little dude.
Come on, I'll give you the grand tour. This air is the driest Oh, over there's my birdbath. He tries to sneak away, but stays until Sandy lets her guard down] It provides me with extra air. This dome is made of the finest polyurethane, that's a fancy word for plastic. Atlantis is the lost city located in the Atlantic Ocean.
There appears to be 2 different versions of Atlantis, one of which is ruled by King Neptune and has Roman and Greek architecture. This version of the city appears first in the episode " Neptune's Spatula.
Atlantis is based off of the real world legend of Atlantis. SpongeBob and Patrick in Shell City. It is located on the surface on a beach and is owned by a Cyclops in reality, a man in a diving suit , selling dried-out dead sea creatures.
The road to Shell City is dangerous and no one has ever returned from there, which makes it the perfect place for Plankton to sell Neptune's crown in the movie. In a deleted scene of the movie, which can be seen in the SpongeBob SquarePants Movie DVD , Shell City is actually a city and is where Sandy constantly gets pursued all over the place by squirrel exterminators in black suits.
She also mentions that there are buses that arrive here going to Bikini Bottom. The Thug Tug is not that far from Bikini Bottom. Encino is the hometown of Patchy the Pirate and Potty the Parrot. It is located in the United States Of America. Most of the Patchy segments in specials take place here. Landmarks include Patchy's house , Mrs. Bubbletown is where Bubble Buddy now lives, which has been seen in the episode of the same name , where SpongeBob goes to visit Bubble Buddy in his home location.
The town itself is made entirely of bubbles. In fact, it is a bubble equivalent to Bikini Bottom. There is an entire transportation system including bus systems. There are also cars, however, the town's population mostly goes to work by floating through the air.
Ukulele Bottom - Nothing much is known of this town, apart from being the home of the annual jellyfish convention, located at the Jellyfishers' Convention Center. It appears in " I Was a Teenage Gary. Palm Bay - Palm Bay is the ancient city that was once home to the legendary master fry cook who wielded a golden spatula. Grease fires engulfed the city's entire civilization. Many years later, the Flying Dutchman and his first mate raided and pillaged the ruins, along with the Golden Spatula.
Palm Bay spoofs Pompeii, a real-world ancient city. It is also mentioned in Legend of the Lost Spatula. Mount Kabloovious erupted and engulfed Palm Bay. It is the equivalent of Mount Vesuvius.
Barnacle Bay - A city that was mentioned in the episode " Fools in April. It is the second last level in this area. Its appearance is similar to buildings of the aztecs or maya.
It also seems to contain a palace with many precious treasures inside. You have to rescue three citizens of Bikini Bottom there: Margie Star , a female bluefish probably Incidental 48 , and a turquoise kid with a propeller hat most likely to be Billy. Base Eight - A town where all the fish have fingers. It appears in the SpongeBob comic strip " Fingers! Stupidtown - Mentioned when Patrick is sweeping the Krusty Krab floor with the bottom of the broom, and Nat says "Hey pal, you just blow in from Stupidtown?
Quittersville - Mentioned in the episode " Chimps Ahoy. Failuretown - Mentioned in the episode " Chimps Ahoy. Loserburg - Mentioned in the episode " Chimps Ahoy. Farawayville - Little is known about Farawayville.
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