How long can anaerobic exercise be sustained
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The difference between anaerobic and aerobic exercise Anaerobic and aerobic exercise use different energy systems of the body. Start with large muscle groups first.
Complete 8 to 10 exercises. By using and developing those fibers we enhance that musculature. You want a body like a sprinter, dancer, or gymnast? Guess what? You have to train like one.
There is, of course, a chicken and egg debate here. Are sprinters born with their bodies, enabling them to become sprinters, or does participating in years of sprinting help them get those bodies? The key is to control your fifty percent. When we train in this level of intensity for short bursts of energy, we create what is called EPOC, or excess post-exercise oxygen consumption. In essence, EPOC is an after burn effect of calories burning at rest for up to 38 hours post exercise.
With cardiovascular exercise we can do sprint intervals and we can go anaerobic in a strength application by doing explosive jump squats. The residual effects are numerous: burning more calories at rest, developing strength, a more efficient use of time, a more lean and defined body, and an increased VO2 max. And there are even studies that correlate anaerobic training to loss of belly fat and increased growth hormone.
The anaerobic respiratory system supplies energy very quickly for sports such as vaulting in gymnastics or throwing a javelin where the activity only lasts a few seconds. Anaerobic exercise is performed in the absence of oxygen. It is high-intensity, short duration exercise. Anaerobic exercise can only be sustained for a short time, mainly because of the build-up of lactic acid.