What is the difference between billboard 100 and 200

2022.01.06 17:48

What can the industry see and how will that be beneficial to them? Global Music Connect is a comprehensive measurement and analytics platform that provides streaming and sales data for any artist and song. There have been concerns expressed in the German courts recently, and in other parts of the world, about the increasing prevalence of fake streams that call into question whether consumers can trust the information on music streaming platforms.

How will Billboard gird against any outside manipulation or fraud that would affect the credibility of the Global Charts? Billboard and MRC Data have worked closely with our data providers to implement various audit guidelines to limit any significant effect of manufactured streams. In addition, each data provider has their own safeguards in place to recognize fraudulent behavior and catch it before it gets to their data partners, including Billboard and MRC Data.

What were the challenges to putting charts like this together, with so many countries involved? Can you discuss in which countries and regions you encountered the most hurdles? How, for example, did you navigate all the regional and language differences in India, a country that has struggled for years to put together a national chart?

Our initial path to launch involved working with the streaming services that have a global presence, such as Apple, Spotify, Tidal and YouTube, among others. With their inclusion, we have over territories represented in the ranking, including India and a good portion of the Asian markets. Getting the local or regional services to be willing to share data or to be transparent enough with that data to meet our reporting requirements is something we knew would take a bit longer to achieve.

We firmly believe that the launch of the chart will spur many of the holdouts to contribute to better reflect the success of their homegrown acts and the power of their services.

Both chart rankings are based on a weighted formula incorporating official-only streams on both subscription and ad-supported tiers of audio and video music services, as well as download sales, the latter of which reflect purchases from full-service digital music retailers from around the world, with sales from direct-to-consumer D2C sites excluded from the charts' calculations.

We collaborated with the industry to create a unique, revenue-reflective methodology taking the global market into account. The Billboard Global , which includes U.

For Billboard Global Excluding U. The Chart rankings are based on a weighted formula incorporating official-only streams on both subscription and ad-supported tiers of leading audio and video music services, plus download sales from top music retailers across the globe. The rankings are not based on a monetary figure, specifically.

Top Charts. Hot Songs. Billboard Top Videos. Top Articles. By Billboard Staff. Copied to clipboard. Click to copy. Hot Songs. Billboard Top Videos. Top Articles. Spotify to Acquire Audiobook Platform Findaway. By Billboard Staff. Copied to clipboard. Click to copy.