What is the difference between cartomizers and atomizers

2022.01.06 17:48

A cartomizer is a vaping device that attaches to the end of a battery. They are also commonly referred to as cigalikes or just e-cigarettes. Most of the times, cartomizers are pre-filled and replaceable. The wicking material used in cartos is usually polyester fiberfill, commonly referred to as polyfill.

Cartomizers are the easiest to operate of the bunch. The fact that they usually come pre-filled makes vaping on them a simple two-part process: just screw the cartomizer on the battery and press the button while inhaling. Seriously, there is nothing else to do. When you start getting a reduced amount of vapor per puff, its more or less time to throw the carto away and buy a new one. Cartomizers will not drive your taste buds crazy, but they will deliver the nicotine you need while emulating the size, shape and draw of a cigarette.

If you want to combine ease of use with performance, then you should probably go for a clearomizer. A good sub ohm or MTL clearomizer will offer a high quality vape while at the same time let you replace your coils in a matter of seconds.

Coils will cost you some money, but they are reasonably priced and you will generally replace them once every week or two anyway.

Consider clearomizers as the golden mean of vape gear. If you are after the best performance and willing to learn how to build and wick, then an atomizer sounds like your kind of vape gear.

Atomizers are the best performers of the bunch and will generally give the best flavor out of all the other kinds of vape tanks. They will also cost less in the long term, as cotton and wire are usually very cheap to source. You will need to do some research and chances are you will not nail it on the first try, but practice makes perfect when it comes to building on an atomizer. Follow our instructions and watch some videos, chances are you will be building excellent coils in no time.

If all of that sounds too complicated to you, then by all means go for a cartomizer. You will not get the best performance when it comes to flavor and vapor production, but it will satisfy your nicotine cravings while emulating a cigarette. Just keep your battery charged and always have extra cartos available.

Some people quit smoking with quad coil RDAs, while some will stay loyal to their cigalikes for years and years. Just do what you feel is best for you and stay smoke-free. At their most basic level, atomizers work by holding e-juice then vaporizing it to produce vapor.

There are various types of atomizers in the industry today. For the most part, the cartomizer, which is a cartridge with a built-in atomizer, is the way most people choose to go. Even so, within these cartomizers are top-coil, bottom-coil, dual-coil, horizontal and vertical coil atomizers to name a few.

To put it simply, the atomizer, whether built into a cartomizer or in a stand-alone design, uses a heating element usually a very small gauge wire to vaporize the e-liquid. Typically the atomizer is part of both the two-piece and the three-piece electronic cigarette.

On the two-piece e-cigs, however, it is rare that you would ever need to bother yourself with it. It is the three-piece e-cig where the atomizer is something you need to pay attention to. The three-piece e-cig uses the atomizer as a stand-alone piece to the entire puzzle. Either way, you cannot have an electronic cigarette without an atomizer. A method of vaping that has caught on over the last year especially is dripping. Dripping is a pretty self-explanatory method of vaping where you simply drip the e-liquid into the atomizers directly.

This bypasses the cartridge or the tank completely. Of course, there are some obvious drawbacks to vaping in this manner. Today dripping has become rather popular despite its obvious drawbacks. Some are very serious about their flavors and the quality of the e-liquid they use. For these people, dripping is absolutely the only way to vape. Typically, you will also find that those who prefer this method will also mix their own flavors of e-juice and usually rebuild their atomizers instead of purchasing new ones.

The market has noticed this as well, and even a few models are made explicitly for dripping. Among the three, atomizers are the shortest. An atomizer is filled by dripping e-juice directly onto the coil.

This is called direct dripping. For disposable or atomizers, drops will suffice, which is good for about 10 drags. Other atomizers, especially the rebuildable models , allow users to drip from 10 to 15 drops without over-flooding. While the number of drags one can take with atomizers is significantly less than what cartomizers and clearomizers provide, direct dripping is preferred by many for its clean and flavorful vape.

However, because of constant dripping, atomizers users will have to carry a bottle of e-juice around with them at all times. You will know when to refill atomizers once the flavor wanes. When a wick has been dry burnt, all it takes is a couple of drops, and you can vape normally again.

If you are familiar with the three-piece system, then cartomizers should be easy enough to grasp. If you are not, you soon will be. In a typical two-piece system, you will have the battery and the cartomizer. It is the cartomizer or cart that we are concerned with, however.

There are a few different varieties of carts on the market today, and each has its strengths and weaknesses. While single coil cartomizers are available, most are dual coils. This means two coils are used to give a lower resistance and provide more vapor. However, dual coils are notorious for eating through batteries. Able to hold a greater amount of e-juice, about 10 drops or so, cartomizer users can go on extended vaping sessions without refilling.

Unlike atomizers, though, once you dry burn a cartomizer, the Poly-fil is ruined and needs to be discarded. However, instead of wasting a perfectly good cartomizer, one can convert it into a dripping atomizer by removing the filler carefully, using tweezers. Once the filler is completely removed, you can reuse your cartomizer just like any normal atomizer.

Experienced users often keep converted cartomizers as backups to be used only in emergencies. These days, cartomizers are not as popular and widely used as they once were. With e-cigarette technology evolving rapidly, atomizers can now hold as much juice, or more, than the cartomizers of old — without the awkward refilling, the risk of filling the air hole, and the risk of burning through the Poly-fil. The upside of cartomizers is that they usually come pre-filled with e-juice.

Just as with anything else today, new technology is constantly evolving. The same is true of electronic cigarettes and the various types that are being sold. So combining the atomizer and the cartridge was seemingly a natural progression for the technology. What is still going through a sort of evolution is the design and functionality of the cartomizer itself. There is a growing opinion that the tank-style cartomizer could be the best vaping method, providing someone can produce one that does not clog or leak.

However, the tank is still in its infancy and needs to grow up a bit more. But regardless of the type, clearomizers can hold more e-juice than both atomizers and cartomizers. In case of accidental ingestion, call the Poison Control Center at This product is intended for adult users of nicotine-containing products, particularly current smokers or vapers.

Underage sale is prohibited. For more information go to www. All rights reserved. How Does Each One Work? What Are the Benefits of Each Device? What Are Atomizers, Clearomizers and Cartomizers? Cartomizers and clearomizers are technically also atomizers, but when this term is used, vapers are usually referring to rebuildable models that require a bit of work. These atomizers are usually disposable, which means less fuss and complication. These are typically found in the cheap e-cigs that are made to look like imitation cigarettes.

Of the three mentioned, these are generally the least popular. Clearomizers Clearomizers are a popular choice for newbies because they don't require as much work, but they still provide a great experience. Cartomizers Generally speaking, cartomizers are intended as "one-and-done" devices. Atomizers As you become a more experienced vaper and gain more understanding of how it works, you will likely end up switching to an RDA or RBA.

Pros 1 High level of customization 2 Overall superior taste 3 Great for heavy users 4 Less e-juice consumed 5 Clean and strong flavor 6 Extremely safe Cons 1 Frequent refilling 2 Complicated for beginners 3 More chances for mess Clearomizers Clearomizers are more commonly referred to as tanks, and they're a great place to start if you know you're planning to vape long-term.

Pros 1 Large juice capacity 2 Fewer refills 3 Good for heavy use 4 High level of customization 5 Can use disposable or rebuildable coils Cons 1 Coil choices can be confusing to beginners 2 Plastic tanks can taint juice flavor 3 Glass tanks may crack or leak 4 Previous e-juice flavors may linger 5 Can be expensive Cartomizers A lot of advanced vapers will say that cartomizers are outdated, but the truth is that they offer a good entry-level experience, and they can help you decide if vaping is right for you without spending a lot of money.

Pros 1 Similar hand and mouth feel to cigarettes 2 Inexpensive 3 Can be found easily 4 Disposable 5 Prefilled Cons 1 Polyfill wick dulls taste 2 Not easy to refill or reuse 3 Limited flavor range 4 Not ideal for heavy use 5 May hold previous e-juice flavor Let's Recap Ultimately, the right choice will always come down to your preferences, skill level and expectations. What is Vaping? I love trying new builds, new coils, mixing flavors and so on. I've met loads of amazing people and started to share with them all I got about vaping, as my another passion.

Started working at Vaporesso as a blogger 2 years ago, that's the best thing ever. Eve Wang Interested in anything in the vaping fields, from vape devices, news and events, to vape shops. Trying to build a bridge between Vaporesso and our dear users. What is Vaporesso working on?

Are we releasing new products, holding an activity? Any interesting Behind The Scenario? Follow my articles to find out the latest news about Vaporesso. Harry Heavy smoker since 35 years old, did everything I possibly could to break the habit.

My first device was a disposable vape, not a good fit but it inspired me to look out for new alternatives. I believe that there should be no vaping among young people and non smokers, but, smokers should try vaping as an alternative.