What is the difference between cheri and cherie

2022.01.06 17:48

A toi d'adapter ta phrase au contexte. Last edited: Sep 21, Figures I never heard ma loute to a man.. Ok, thank you everyone for the additional suggestions!! But if you were to start a letter with "Mon cher ami, Salut! Comment vas-tu? It wouldn't be "Cher mon ami", right? From previous posts, I understand that "Mon cher ami" sounds old-fashioned. Pedro y La Torre said:. How extraordinarily revolting.

I would caution against anyone following your example. Where is it that they talk like this? I agree that the example given above is not appropriate, but regarding my question posted previously. In terms of word order and meaning, "Cher mon ami", would never be appropriate in writing a letter, right?

It would need to be "Mon cher ami". Pedro y La Torre All Discussions My Discussions Add. To the best of my knowledge, "mon", "ma" and "mes" are possessive adjectives meaning "my They always agree with the "thing" possessed. The gender of the speaker you, in this case does not enter into it. The gender of the person you are talking to or about also affects the spelling of the noun, as you can see.

This seems contradictory, but you use the masculine version when otherwise two vowels would come together; "ma amie" would sound awkward. Beside above, how do you say Mon Cheri in French? However, the pronunciation is the same. Last Updated: 18th April, From it was produced and marketed on the French and UK markets, and from on the German market. Ai Schmidmayr Professional. Is Ma Cherie feminine?

If there is more than one person, you add an S to words in French. Reuben Eisen Professional. What does Mimi mean in French? Mimi is a word French people use to say that something is really adorable.

To be mimi is to be more than cute, it's small-fluffy-kitten cute. Anda Mere Professional. What does it mean when someone calls you Cher?

Cher is an endearment, as most of you already know. When I was growing up, cher was the most common word I heard. Crispulo Kaliberda Explainer. What does the word Cherie mean? Cherie is an English female given name. Jelloul Galar Explainer. Doudou: What kids call their favorite toy or blankie. Mon coeur: My heart. Sure, it shows that the character is French, but it's not something you'd actually hear in France. Babies and toddlers are bout de chou.

Friends also express affection with words like mon vieux and mec for guys and ma belle for girls. For a group of friends, use les plus another term, such as les copains.

Many common French names can also be shortened into nicknames, such as Caro for Caroline and Gabi for Gabriel. In France men are addressed as Monsieur and women as Madame or Mademoiselle.

While a Monsieur is a monsieur no matter what, a Madame is a married woman and a Mademoiselle an unmarried woman. Translation of "mon amour" in English.