What is the difference between dimenhydrinate and meclizine

2022.01.06 17:48

Children under the age of 2 are typically resistant to motion sickness, while those around the age of 9 are more prone. Other factors that tend to lead to motion sickness include a history of migraines, hormonal changes pregnant women, for example , genetics and even mindset. Often, those who expect to get sick are the ones who do. Dramamine dimenhydrinate is a popular go-to remedy. It is somewhat effective at reducing motion sickness symptoms, but it is an antihistamine. Like all antihistamines, it may cause drowsiness, dizziness and decreased mental alertness.

Some people may experience the exact opposite effects, including insomnia, excitability and restlessness. Unfortunately, not much can be done to mitigate the side effects. Patients with a history of glaucoma, liver impairment, asthma, seizures, prostate enlargements or urinary blockage, thyroid dysfunction and cardiovascular disease should proceed with caution and speak with their physician first.

Bonine meclizine is another option. This is mainly because Bonine is taken once a day and Dramamine is taken every four to six hours as needed. That said, many studies show that as a whole, Dramamine is more effective at preventing motion sickness, though it is less convenient given the dosing. Non-sedative antihistamines such as Zyrtec, Claritin and Allegra do not appear to be effective for motion sickness.

As noted, children under 2 typically do not experience motion sickness, while the incidence appears to peak at age 9. Generally, the same advice applies to children as it does for adults. If you need to use medication for your child, always speak with your pediatrician first. Almost all pediatric medications are weight-based, and some may have age restrictions, as well. Please never guess a dose without seeking medical advice for your child first.

There are many pre-emptive strategies that exist for dogs and cats to prevent motion sickness. A medication for motion sickness in dogs called Cerenia maropitant , is available, and is prescription-only from a licensed veterinarian. Dramamine may also be used, however as with pediatric patients, it is weight-based. Speak with your veterinarian first.

For people with mild motion sickness history which typically means that it does not interfere with your ability to function , the recommendations are for environmental modifications and complementary and alternative treatments mentioned above. Results: There were no statistically significant differences between the two drug conditions for the overall mean SSMS scores.

However, when the scores were divided into symptom groups, Marezine was associated with significantly lower scores than Dramamine for gastrointestinal GI symptoms. Also, Marezine was associated with significantly less drowsiness than Dramamine 30 min after ingestion.

Power in both the normal 3 cpm and tachyarrhythmia cpm ranges of the EGG increased significantly more during rotation compared to baseline in the Dramamine condition than in the Marezine condition. Conclusions: Marezine and Dramamine are similarly effective in preventing the overall subjective symptoms of motion sickness.

For the purposes of this article, we're referring to Bonine's and Dramamine's original formulas. Both Bonine and Dramamine Original Formula treat motion sickness using antiemetics in this case, antihistamine drugs that also alleviate nausea and vomiting. Both brands say their products should be taken prior to activity for best results, and both types of pills contain lactose. Bonine's active per-tablet ingredient is 25 mg of meclizine hydrochloride, which prevents seasickness symptoms with minimal drowsiness.

Meanwhile, Dramamine's original formula contains 50 mg of dimenhydrinate per tablet, which can cause marked drowsiness. Dramamine Original Formula. Dramamine offers dosing instructions for children as young as 2 years old, while Bonine doesn't offer dosing for anyone younger than Additionally, Bonine which is chewable contains artificial sweetener, while Dramamine which is swallowed, rather than chewed does not.

Dramamine does, however, make. In terms of expense, both products are similarly priced, but Bonine's daily cost is less because the dosage is one to two pills per day and Dramamine is up to eight pills a day.

Here's what it comes down to: Use Bonine if you want less drowsiness from a chewable pill that you only have to take once a day and don't mind paying an extra dollar or two for the convenience. Use Dramamine if you can't tolerate chewable pills or artificial sweeteners, but be prepared to take more than one dose per day which means you'll go through more pills, thereby potentially negating any cost savings.

If you're lactose intolerant or if you plan to consume alcohol, stick with a more natural remedy like an. In our experience, the majority of people prefer Bonine; you can read the opinions of fellow cruisers and join the discussion on the.

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