What is the difference between reader and inputstream

2022.01.06 17:48

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Despite being one of the simplest concept, lots of Java developers make mistakes of not specifying character encoding, while reading text files or text data from socket. Remember, if you don't specify correct encoding, or your program is not using character encoding already present in protocol e. Some characters which are not present in default encoding, may come up as? Once you know this fundamental difference between stream and reader , understanding difference between FileInputStream and FileReader is quite easy.

Both allows you to read data from File , but FileInputStream is used to read binary data, while FileReader is used to read character data. This is similar to FileInputStream, which also provides similar constructors for reading from file source.

Though its advised to use BufferedReader to read data from file. On the other hand, in example 2 are reading data character by character. This is why you see exactly same text as written in file output from our example 2. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook.

Labels: core java , java IO tutorial , programming. April 13, at AM Dieter Adriaenssens said April 14, at AM pratik singhal said October 9, at AM Arun said December 3, at PM Anonymous said Thanks December 4, at AM Rajkumar said March 21, at PM. Newer Post Older Post Home. Subscribe to: Post Comments Atom. Subscribe for Discounts and Updates Follow. Search This Blog.