What is the difference between vb and vb.net

2022.01.06 17:48

All the bullets in first paragraph are plain wrong: 1. GC is not more efficient than refcounting. VB6 is not interpreter based language -- there is no eval function like in JS. VB6 is type-safe language, it's just weakly-typed like C which is not a "weak" point per se. One thing is for sure -- Microsoft did a great job demonizing VB6, scaring most of the VB6 devs millions , and later trapping them in. One thing I'm sure too -- this will happen again WQW is quite right, and there are other mistakes.

VB6 did have interfaces and constructors and destructors. Marked you up for the great summary. Show 1 more comment. If you're making a choice for a new project then the pertinent points are: VB6 is legacy released , the IDE is no longer supported, and the runtime only supported for the lifetime of Win8 VS doesn't support VB6 VB.

OLD over VB. Deanna Dan Puzey Dan Puzey I have to correct one detail. I still agree that it's almost always better to choose VB. Net for new projects. Good point :- Will correct! I'm sure there must be one somewhere, but I'm still really struggling to come up with a reason to develop VB6 on an unsupported IDE for any new project. The runtime is supported for at least the lifetime of Windows 7 and Windows Server , not only.

Microsoft haven't stated yet whether or not it will be supported beyond that. They say they have "no plans" to support it. IMHO These words are carefully chosen to be as scary as possible, without actually definitely saying that they won't support it. I was right in my previous comment!

Now the runtime is supported for at least the lifetime of Windows 8, not only. They say they have "no plans" to support it, using deliberately scary words. Just like they did for Windows 8: lo and behold, when Windows 8 was released the VB6 runtime was included and supported. NET does. SharpAffair SharpAffair 5, 12 12 gold badges 72 72 silver badges bronze badges. I'm not saying VB classic does, just pointing out your statement is not technically correct.

I've edited the answer to reflect that. Major differences are Version Number and Object Orientation. NET Reference on Wikipedia. The Overflow Blog. Podcast Explaining the semiconductor shortage, and how it might end. Does ES6 make JavaScript frameworks obsolete? Featured on Meta. Now live: A fully responsive profile. Linked 1. Related NET, Get and Set are used. Difference between VB and VB. It is a high level programming language by Microsoft that is used for the fast development of Windows based programs.

NET is considered to be an evolved version of Visual Basic. However, VB. Net has been reengineered to include many new features like improved type safety, streamlined language, forms packages containing Windows Forms and Web Forms, etc. Comparison between VB 6. Collection System. Color Replaced by elements in System.

End Type structure declared using the Structure Net 1. NET is one of the language tools supported within the larger Visual Studio. NET suite.

Visual Basic. NET is based on a newer programming model than is VB6. NET is a compiled language. Whereas, VB. NET code is first compiled into Microsoft intermediate language code which is common for all Microsoft languages such as C , J , etc. This makes VB. NET applications as well. The following are some of the basic differences between Visual Basic and Visual Studio. If we look at the nitty-gritty of the migration of VB 6, we realize that at the fundamental level VB 6 migration can be summarised into two broad points.

These are as follows:. This is mere because multiple variants of the VB 6 have been deprecated. Along with this, VB. Net has a whole set of structures, which is bolstered on the network of. The users should be aware that the migration of the query is being done either by the developmental team or between the client and the Microsoft services.

Services and advisory is a vital aspect of migration and is feasible mostly after the migration process, though the involvement of hands-on tasks is not involved initially. Net code. The majority of the professionals in this field advise the programmers to accomplish a series of manual groundwork so that it proves helpful to adjust any differences that are found in the language arena. This step is basically prior to the actual usage of the conversion tool.

Parallel to popular belief, it is considered better when research is done frequently and thoroughly, implying the minimizing number of errors that will need to be fixed in the output post-conversion.