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How short should i cut my nails

2022.01.06 17:48

As you cut, you want the blades to move against each other. You can use a nail file or emery board for more than smoothing and shaping your nails. Also, shaping and finishing your nails makes it less likely to break, split, or snag them on something. Emery boards that are 80 or grit are very coarse and good for filing length off your nail. Those with a higher number, such as , have finer grit and are good for smoothing the nail edge and fine-tuning the shape.

Most emery boards have coarse grit on one side and fine grit on the other. There are also four-sided emery boards. Each of the four sides has a different grit number and is used for a different purpose. For example, the:. Glass nail files are made of ground crystal that produces a very fine grit. The grit number is often or more, so the file is very gentle on your nails. Some professional manicurists warn against using them on natural nails because they can easily tear and damage the nails.

Fingernail length is a matter of personal preference, but there are benefits to keeping them short. Compared with long fingernails, short fingernails:. Nails can be trimmed into a variety of shapes, including rounded, oval, square, and almond. Squared-off nails tend to break easier. The method you use to trim your nails determines whether they should be wet or dry when you do so.

Softer nails are less brittle and less likely to crack when cut or clipped. After a bath or shower is typically the best time to cut your nails, but soaking them in plain or soapy water for a few minutes works well too. Filing soft, wet nails may result in bending them in unwanted ways. According to the Canadian Dermatology Association , fingernails grow about 2.

If you injure your fingernail and it falls off, it takes about 6 months to grow back. If you want to keep your nails a certain length, trim them once every week or two. Soften the nails. The best time to trim your nails is immediately after taking a bath or shower. Gather the proper tools.

Use a nail clipper or nail scissors for your fingernails and a toenail clipper for your toenails. Remember to disinfect your tools monthly. To disinfect them, soak a small scrub brush in a bowl of 70 to 90 percent isopropyl alcohol and then use the brush to scrub your nail clippers or nail scissors.

Afterwards, rinse the tools in hot water and dry them completely before putting them away. To trim your fingernails, cut almost straight across the nail. Use a nail file or emery board to slightly round the nails at the corners, as this will help keep them strong and prevent them from catching on things like clothing or furniture.

To reduce your chances of getting an ingrown toenail, cut straight across when trimming your toenails. Toenails grow more slowly than fingernails, so you may find that you do not need to trim these nails as often.

Smooth uneven or rough edges using a nail file or emery board. Always file the nail in the same direction, as filing back and forth can weaken your nails. Leave your cuticles alone. If you get a nail infection, it can sometimes take a long time to clear.

The fourth step is determining how long to leave your toenails following the cut. This is important, because cutting your toenails too short could heighten your risk for ingrown toenails. If you leave your toenails too long, they are more likely to get caught on something and tear. The fifth step is the actual cut. To avoid painful ingrown toenails, cut your toenails straight across. For many people, this is easiest to do in two cuts — the first one with the clippers slightly off the side of the nail to create a straight edge; the second to remove the rest of the nail following the line of the straight cut.

The sixth and final step is to file your nails with an emery board to smooth any jagged edges that could snag and potentially tear the nail as it grows. Your toenails might be thick for any of a number of reasons, including:.

Cutting toenails with fungus is similar to the process for cutting thick toenails. If you leave the fungus untreated, your nails will continue to thicken and might get to a thickness that requires some additional action including:. Cutting your toenails seems like a simple task, but, if done wrong, it can result in ingrown toenails, cut skin, or the spread of fungus.

To properly cut your toenails, cut straight across the nail, use the right tools, and thoroughly clean those tools between uses. If you have unusually thick toenails or have a toe fungus, take special care when clipping your nails. Ingrown toenails occur when the edges or corners of a nail grow into the skin next to it, causing tenderness, redness, and even bleeding.

It's important to treat ingrown toenails as soon as they occur to prevent infection. Here are 10 remedies that may be used to treat mild to severe…. Toenails that have become thicker over time are a likely sign of a fungal infection. Learn what symptoms to look for and how to treat this condition.