rearthlasihas1975's Ownd

Who is syed tariq pirzada

2022.01.06 17:48

Another Woman Raped at Gunpoint in Lahore. Mahin Ahmad is an Economics major from Kinnaird College and an avid lover of reading and writing. Her hobbies include gaming and baking. She hopes to one day write a book of her own. US Air Force planes likely to fly over Pakistani airspace. Daraz delivers record-breaking By Mahin Ahmad On Aug 27, , pm 0. Facebook Notice for EU! You need to login to view and post FB Comments! Mahin Ahmad posts 0 comments. You might also like More from author.

Prev Next. More Stories. Nov 11, , pm. Free speech should never have space for those who incite violence against the unarmed.

I have decided to make a start. I will henceforth avoid bringing on any show I anchor a Pakistani like Pirzada who not only refuses to accept the perfidious role of the Pakistani army in terror activities but instead calls for a nuclear war against India.

Yes, it will perhaps make a debate I anchor on television less noisy and contentious and get way fewer eyeballs but, over time, it probably will restore a measure of credibility amid the maddening chaos that the news whirl is now. Pirzada today, hopefully religious bigots in either country tomorrow. The time has come to switch off those who have made it a business to sell hatred and violence. Enough is enough. Postscript: I distinctly noticed Pirzada chuckling as the programme was ending.

I am not surprised at all. He must have appeared via Skype on half a dozen Indian news channels yesterday. Most of them pay him good money in American dollars, sent, I am reliably informed, to a bank account he has opened in Dubai. It is a pretty useful business model: get paid to abuse India on Indian news television and be shouted at in turn. God save this great republic from those whose pseudo-nationalism has been bartered at the altar of Television Rating Points.

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