Who is troy dressed as in community
The leader on Star Trek is a delightfully hammy character, similar to many of those portrayed by Chase over the years. While other costumes may have been more original, the Captain Kirk costume might be the most apt.
In addition to being a costume that suits Shirley well, it also works as a plot point in the installment. The mistaken costumes result in a bonding moment between Shirley and Chang, right before they sleep together.
Season four of Community may not have had a lot going for it, but it does possess the benefit of some fun Halloween costumes in the episode, "Paranormal Parentage. However, Annie turning up as the girl from The Ring makes for a great joke, as Jeff was sporting the costume of a boxer. He expected Annie to dress up as a ring girl from the sport, but she took the idea in a spookier fashion.
In "Epidemiology," Troy's costumes undergo too many unfortunate changes to crack the top of the list. Instead, season one's "Introduction to Statistics," Community 's first Halloween episode, contains Troy's best costume. The leather red suit worn by Eddie Murphy in his stand-up special, Delirious , is donned by Troy in this installment. Considering Glover's own career as a stand-up comedian, outside of the Community context, it's a perfect costume marriage of in-universe and out-of-universe realities.
Later, Troy and Abed adopt the roles of Inspector Spacetime and his trusty sidekick, Constable Reggie, travelling through space and time in a red telephone box, fighting off the evil Blorgons.
Troy and Abed sit on the couch in the study room mocking everyone who walks past the window. Doogie Seacrest. As they panic, the three of them pretend to have been chloroformed also, but once the janitor wakes up and realises the deception Annie is forced to chloroform him again. He and Annie investigate Chang's mysterious return to school. Troy has a traumatic balloon ride with the rest of the study group and reveals to them his most shameful secret: he started the Greendale Fire of ' On the anniversary of his first date with Britta, Troy pretends to "swap" bodies with Abed.
It's later revealed he did this in order to avoid admitting to her that their relationship wasn't working. He eventually comes clean and breaks up with Britta. When Abed tries to piece together any unknown connections between the study group, Troy recalls how he intentionally injured his knee in a keg flip and how he previously lied about not knowing who Annie was. He later makes the group realize that their past histories are all linked by a fateful day at the Greendale Mall when they all went to Yogurtsburgh.
Hawkins dance while vainly trying to pull pranks. Troy and the study group are unexpectedly reunited with Jeff for another year at Greendale Community College.
They all re-enroll at the school after Jeff joins the staff as the new law professor. When the Ass Crack Bandit resurfaces, Troy becomes one of his victims and is traumatized by the incident. When Star-Burns confesses to the crime, Troy confronts him at a press conference and slaps him, although it is later revealed that Star-Burns is not responsible.
Soon after, Shirley finds out that Pierce has died and Troy and the group attend his funeral. A man named Mr. Stone carries out Pierce's will and asks them to participate in a private inquest which makes them eligible for a share of Pierce's estate. After the inquest is done, Troy is revealed to have gotten all of Pierce's shares of Hawthorne Wipes worth over 14 million dollars.
The only condition is that Troy accept the challenge of sailing around the world. Before Troy embarks on his trip, Abed hosts a campus wide game of "Hot Lava" in his honor. Troy and Abed enjoy one last adventure at school and, thanks to Britta's persistence, admit how much they will miss each other.
Troy says goodbye to everyone and climbs aboard, sharing one last look with Abed as he leaves. Sometime after their journey started it was reported that LeVar Burton and his "non-celebrity companion" were captured by pirates off the Gulf of Mexico.
Accompanying him is his co-anchor and idol, LeVar Burton. Community Wiki Explore. Recurring themes. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Troy Barnes. History Talk 0.
Student ID. I was gonna be the first person in my family to graduate from community college. Everyone else graduated from normal college. Troy in Season One. Troy in Season Two.
Troy in Season Three. Troy in Season Four. Troy in Season Five. Jeff Winger Joel McHale. Britta Perry Gillian Jacobs.
Abed Nadir Danny Pudi. Shirley Bennett Yvette Nicole Brown. Annie Edison Alison Brie. Troy Barnes Donald Glover. Ben Chang Ken Jeong. Craig Pelton Jim Rash.
Pierce Hawthorne Chevy Chase. Universal Conquest Wiki. Troy began the series as an arrogant, selfish jock who was so concerned with keeping his former High School status that he wore his letterman jacket for the first few days at Greendale. Jeff implied that Troy wanted so badly to be liked that much of what he did was done just to appear a certain way to other people. Troy Barnes : Well, I'm a sexy Dracula. Abed Nadir : You mean vampire. Troy Barnes : Shouldn't we be barricading the doors? Abed Nadir : No, I think we're okay.
Abed Nadir : Let me help you. Abed Nadir : There. There's a window. If we climb that chain-link fence, we can get up the wall and squeeze through it. Jeff Winger : I vote we take the door. Abed Nadir : He doesn't want to dirty his suit.
Troy Barnes : For real? Jeff Winger : Clothes make the man, Troy. What the hell? Zombie Rich enters wearing Jeff's jacket]. Jeff Winger : That's my jacket!
My jacket! You're stretching it!