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Who is valentine in city of bones

2022.01.06 17:48

Improve this answer. Deleteman Deleteman 4, 5 5 gold badges 27 27 silver badges 43 43 bronze badges. Considering that in the book Valentine did get the real cup, is there any reason that the card at the end couldn't have contained the replica? Maybe she might try that to not worry Jace? Well, if you want to go that way, we can only speculate, and in the realm of speculation: why would she chose to lie about the whereabouts of one of the 3 most holly artifacts of the nefilim?

True, it wouldn't make much sense. I guess I just would have wanted a more straightforward explanation, but it looks like the movie just doesn't provide it I'm sure the already announced sequel will though. Myrthe Myrthe 21 1 1 bronze badge. Hartelijke welkom, Myrthe. DavidW Basically a Herondale Basically a Herondale 41 4 4 bronze badges. Are there any sources you can find for your answer to provide evidence for you thoughts to strengthen your answer? If you read the books it kinda explains it there.

The books are a great read too! I'm sure they are. But an internet user who's passing through may not have the time to read a book to check an answer, consider adding in sources, similar to the accepted answer, to support your own answer. Mina Mina 1. Becca Becca 1.

Sign up or log in Sign up using Google. Sign up using Facebook. Sign up using Email and Password. Post as a guest Name. Email Required, but never shown. Upcoming Events. November Topic Challenge: Samuel R. Delany ends Nov Valentine Morgenstern is the leader of the Circle , a rogue group of idealist Shadowhunters who aims to make their kind evolve, a goal which he tries to accomplish through experimenting with demon and angel blood.

He was also the husband of Jocelyn and the father of Clary Fray and another boy. He also raised Jace Wayland and led him to believe that he is his father.

Valentine Morgenstern was once a great man until—according to his former friend Luke Garroway —he came into conflict with the Clave. He believed that the Mortal Cup should actively be used to create more Shadowhunters. However, since the Clave was wary of its risks—where few people survive drinking from it—Valentine sought to take action himself. He brought together a circle of his friends, fellow young idealistic Shadowhunters, including Hodge , Jocelyn, and Luke, who then helped him steal the Cup.

Valentine had other goals in mind: unlike some of his comrades, whose main purpose was the protection of humanity, Valentine wanted to rule. He felt that the Shadowhunters needed to evolve and become more powerful.

Thus, he began experimenting using the Cup. He learned magic , particularly the art of summoning demons. He became so invested in his plans that he even injected himself with demon blood so he could control them. In an effort to stop him for going further, his pregnant wife Jocelyn took and hid the Cup from him and left. Knowing that he would face retribution from the Clave, he faked his death and that of his son's, Jonathan Christopher by burning their house to the ground.

Somehow, he got hold of an infant Shadowhunter whom he later raised as his own, even giving him Jonathan's name without telling the boy who he really was. He took the guise of Michael Wayland , leading the boy to grow up believing that he was a Wayland. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. There's no other name that strikes fear into the hearts of men like Valentine Morgenstern.

He says it means morning star, as in " How are thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! So he's either named after Satan, a medieval weapon also used by Gogo Yubari in Kill Bill , or a line of veggie burgers. We're not sure which would be the coolest. We would feel bad about ribbing ol' Valentine for something he can't control, like his name, except for the fact that he wants to wipe out entire races of people simply for being born.

As a young man, Valentine started the Circle of Raziel. Not a sewing circle, but a group of people with similar goals: to exterminate Downworlders, people with half-demon ancestry like werewolves, vampires, faeries, etc. Well, a werewolf kills Valentine's father. But that's like Meryl Streep wanting to kill all mammals because one dingo ate her baby. In any case, Valentine starts this Circle and has the audacity to include Raziel's name in it.