rearthlasihas1975's Ownd

Why did jonah disobey god

2022.01.06 17:48

The process could be dramatic and painful; think of Jacob, Job and of course Jonah himself. For me, one message of Jonah is that growing closer to God involves detours, doubt and conflict. Who knows? Had Jonah obeyed God straight away, might he have missed the lesson of his life: that there will be joy in heaven over one sinner who repents? Have you got a question about the Bible? The Bible Course. Our website uses cookies to improve your online experience.

Accept Find out more. Question: Why did Jonah not go to Nineveh when God told him to? Thankfully, the Lord is a God full of grace and mercy.

He desires not the death of a sinner. Rather, He sent His own Son to share in humanity, die for the sins of the world, and give sinners new life in Himself. Travis E. Worship services are Sundays at a.

Facebook Twitter Email. Jonah reveals why he actually ran from God. Foolishly, he attempts to flee the presence of the Lord by taking a ship to foreign shores Jon. This imperils not only him, but his shipmates, for—as we have seen throughout the Book of the Twelve— breaking covenant with God has tangible consequences , and the actions of individuals always affect the community. God sends a storm. Eventually it threatens their very lives Jon.

Only when Jonah offers to be thrown into the sea—which the sailors reluctantly accept—does the storm abate and the danger to the community subside Jon.