Who is center for public integrity
Our mission: To serve democracy by revealing abuses of power, corruption and betrayal of public trust by powerful public and private institutions, using the tools of investigative journalism. Nearly seven years after a blast in Texas killed 15 people and injured , oversight of ammonium nitrate remains a patchwork and public information is scarce. Single-use plastic is clogging oceans and landfills. The industry that makes it has waged a decades-long campaign to keep it on the market.
Levels of campaign fundraising transparency vary greatly from candidate to candidate. Reagan called Earned Income Tax Credit part of "best anti-poverty bill" ever but it was never considered in the recent tax debate.
Under a law, US citizens who try to sponsor their undocumented spouses would require the spouses to endure a minimum year exile from the United States.
With kids in tow, US citizens are visiting Congress to plead for help. The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for the terms Center for Public Integrity. These results are automatically generated from Google. Ballotpedia does not curate or endorse these articles.
Center for Public Integrity - Google News. Ballotpedia features , encyclopedic articles written and curated by our professional staff of editors, writers, and researchers. Click here to contact our editorial staff, and click here to report an error. Click here to contact us for media inquiries, and please donate here to support our continued expansion. Share this page Follow Ballotpedia.
What's on your ballot? Jump to: navigation , search. Emmett, Bruce A. Finzen, Matthew W. Granade, Arianna Huffington, James A. Do 97 percent of journalist donations go to Democrats?
Emmett Bruce A. Finzen Matthew W. Granade Arianna Huffington James A. Any inconsistencies are attributable to the original source.
What is an influencer? Hailing from the Boston area, he has worked for a national political Jim Morris. Jim Morris has been a journalist since , specializing in coverage of the environment and public health. He has won more than 50 awards for his work, including the George Polk award, the Matthew Mosk. He works with the Center for Public Integrity. We are one of the country's Reity O'Brien. James R. She graduated from University of Delaware in May with an Honors degree in political science and economics and minors in Wendell Potter.
Senior Analyst iWatch. Wendell Potter writes for iWatch News. Margaret L. Freelancer Margaret L. Ryan is a reporter and editor who has covered the energy business for 30 years. Most recently, she managed the global nuclear and coal reporting groups for Platts, Naomi Schalit. Naomi Schalit writes for iWatch news. Fred Schulte. Jeffrey Smith. Jeffrey Smith is a reporter for iWatch News.
John Solomon. Chief Digital Officer. During his quarter-century career in print and broadcast media, Solomon has Amy Standen. Environmental Health News. Amy Standen writes for iWatch News. Peter Stone. Team Leader, Money and Politics. For the last two decades, Peter Stone has covered a wide array of lobbying and campaign finance issues in Washington. At National Journal, where he spent almost 18 years, Stone broke Susan Q. For 28 years, she was a reporter Alice Su.
Intern iWatch. Alice Su is an Intern at iWatch News. Zach Toombs. Zach Toombs writes for iWatch News. Julie Vorman. Deputy Editor. Julie Vorman joined the Center in after more than 20 years as a correspondent, bureau chief, and editor at Reuters.
John F. Sarah Whitmire. Social Media Manager. Sarah Whitmire first joined the Center in Summer as a web intern, and returned in August as a web producer. She graduated magna cum laude from the Walter Cronkite School of Gordon Witkin. Managing Editor. Gordon Witkin joined the Center in September following a long career at U.
News, Witkin served as a