Who is marlins wife in finding nemo

2022.01.06 17:48

Fish School voice Produced by Jinko Gotoh Riebli III Riebli Siouxsie Stewart Clifford Martin Costello Ives Patrick James Kalache Steven Kani Kim Lisa Kim O'Brien Kelly O'Connell Schmidt Dan Schoedel Krause Dan Lee Morris Dave Mullins Warren Trezevant French voice dubbing Domenic Allen French voice dubbing Larry Aupperle Polish voice dubbing James S. French voice dubbing Jennifer Becker French voice dubbing Katrin Bratland French voice dubbing Gordon D.

Carpenter Jane Carr French voice dubbing Georges Caudron French voice dubbing Guy Chapelier French voice dubbing as Guy Chapellier Per Christensen French voice dubbing Cindy Cosenzo French voice dubbing Jennifer Darling French voice dubbing Brendan Donohoe French voice dubbing Patrice Dozier French voice dubbing Max Drukman French voice dubbing Cynthia Dueltgen French voice dubbing Miles Egan Enright Edward Escueta French voice dubbing Mary Ann Gallagher Vicki Lewis found herself in the fish tank as Deb, a damselfish who has a habit of mistaking her own reflection for another fish named Flo.

Voice actor Joe Ranft added another line to his resume as Jacques, the shrimp from France who tends to the fish's hygiene in the tank. Geoffrey Rush found his spot in the flick as Nigel, the pelican who saves Marlin and Dory and brings them to Nemo.

Andrew Stanton was a marine surfer dude as Crush, a sea turtle who meets Marlin on his journey. Stanton directed and wrote Finding Nemo. Elizabeth Perkins' appearance in Finding Nemo was all too brief as she played Coral, the wife of Marlin and mother of Nemo who dies at the fins of a barracuda. The child star did a short stint in the industry, debuting in Finding Nemo and earning two minor credits thereafter for The Incredibles and a Finding Nemo short. Eric Bana brought the hammerhead shark Anchor to the big screen, voicing the vegetarian creature who knows that "fish are friends, not food.

Save FB Tweet More. Pinterest Email Send Text Message. Kara Hedash is a features editor and writer for Screen Rant. From time to time, she dives into the world's most popular franchises but Kara primarily focuses on evergreen topics. The fact that she gets to write about The Office regularly is like a dream come true. After graduating college, writing began as a part-time hobby for Kara but it quickly turned into a career.

She loves binging a new series and watching movies ranging from Hollywood blockbusters to hidden indie gems.

She also has a soft spot for horror ever since she started watching it at too young of an age. When Kara's not busy writing, you can find her doing yoga or hanging out with Gritty. By Kara Hedash Published May 23, What was wrong with Nemo's fin?

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