Who is not adopting common core

2022.01.06 17:48

There is no correlation between states that have adopted Common Core and their educational ranking. Hover over Click on a tile for details. Common Core States Show Source. Common Core States. But are we really free of Common Core? Of the 45 states that adopted the standards, 24 have repealed them, revised them, or edited parts of them. The four states that have entirely withdrawn from the standards are Arizona, Oklahoma, Indiana, and South Carolina.

Some states, like Oklahoma, truly have tossed aside Common Core in favor of bare minimum state standards. A proposed bill in Massachusetts would repeal the Common Core and put the pre state standards back into effect.

In other states, repealing Common Core has meant renaming curriculum and simply tweaking the standards to be slightly more palatable to detractors while still in line with the original standards. However, the trend is clearly towards increased state autonomy and away from Washington-imposed standards. But a positive result of states taking back control of their education standards is that colleges have, for the most part, not done that.

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