Why couldnt the elephant use the computer

2022.01.06 17:48

Why couldn't the two elephants go swimming together? Because they only had one pair of trunks! How do you know an elephant is under your blanket? Because when you get in your bed your nose touches the ceiling. Why did the elephant stay on the marshmallow?

Because she didn't want to fall in the hot cocoa. What do you call an elephant in a phone booth? What does Tarzan say when he sees a herd of elephants? What does Tarzan say when he sees a herd of elephants with sunglasses? He doesn't recognize them. What do you get when an elephant sky dives?

A big hole. What's big and grey with horns? An elephant marching band! What do you call an elephant on the road? A speed bump. How does a elephant get out of a tree? He climbs on a leaf and waits till autumn! What do you get when you cross a dog, a goat and an elephant? A dogophant. What goes down but never goes up? An elephant in an elevator. What is yellow on the outside and gray on the inside? An elephant that's dressed up in a banana skin. Why do elephants have trunks?

Because they would look funny with a suitcase. What did the grape say when the elephant stepped on him? Nothing, he just let out a little wine.

What do you get when you cross an elephant with a parrot? An animal that tells you everything it remembers! Did an elephant climb the stairs of the Eiffel tower? What gun do you use to kill an elephant?

Why was the elephant scared of the computer? Is elephant a neuter gender? What are some important uses of the computer? What is the use of Asian elephant? How does a elephant use its huge ears to keep cool? How does a central heating system use microprocessors and sensors? What do get when you cross an elephant and a computer? What do you get when you cross an elephant with a computer?

Can you use elephant in a sentence? How do man affect the African elephant? What does an elephant use for defense? Why did they use children in the childrens march ? What does an elephant use for shelter? What were the primary weaknesses of Articles of Confederation?

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