How much to ask for pain and suffering

2022.01.06 17:48

Then consider whether there were additional circumstances that might increase or decrease that amount. For instance, if your injury left you with a permanent scar on your face, it may be reasonable to increase the amount of pain and suffering you deem fair. On the other hand, a minor bump to the head that healed quickly probably is not worth all that much. Keep these factors in mind when considering how the insurance company has valued your pain and suffering, and when deciding whether the insurance company's offer is reasonable and fair.

To learn more about negotiating an injury claim, see the articles we have filed away under Settling Your Injury Claim. Browse All Personal Injury Topics ». The information provided on this site is not legal advice, does not constitute a lawyer referral service, and no attorney-client or confidential relationship is or will be formed by use of the site.

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Call us at 1 Home Legal Information Personal Injury. There are no strict rules for putting a dollar value on pain and suffering in a personal injury case, but here's what an insurance company might consider. What is "Pain and Suffering? How does an insurance company calculate pain and suffering damages? Each accident, injury, and set of relevant circumstances, will ultimately go a long way towards determining the amount of compensation you may receive.

If you have been seriously injured in a car accident, then you may already have an idea of the pain and suffering that the experience can inflict.

You may be enduring mental anguish and other forms of pain and suffering because of:. Motor vehicle accidents may cause an array of potentially serious injuries. Such injuries may include:. All of these factors may be relevant should you choose to bring legal action in pursuit of losses related to your car accident. If you bring a successful lawsuit against one or more people or entities who could be responsible for your accident, then you may be able to collect financial coverage for:.

It may be necessary to show that you were the victim of negligence in order to obtain these or any other forms of compensation that you are eligible for. It is your right to hire a lawyer to help you prove such negligence. For a free legal consultation, call If another motorist caused your accident, then you may be able to pursue compensation through a personal injury lawsuit. A personal injury suit may be a means to recovering compensation for your pain and suffering, as well as any other losses you have sustained.

More broadly, a lawyer may be able to answer questions and concerns that you have about your lawsuit. It is wise, however, to check the requirements for the particular state where your accident occurred. In the weeks following an incident, a person's attorney will contact the insurance company that covers the party believed to be responsible for the injuries that occurred. In the early stages of the process, the most important thing is finding out who to contact at the insurance company.

A claim will not be processed right away because it's important to learn about all the medical expenses before attempting any calculations. Injured parties don't typically wish to risk anything uncovered in their eventual settlements. It's important to make sure that you receive enough money to properly compensate you for problems that may last well into the future.

If you believe you're entitled to damages for pain and suffering, your primary goal should be to thoroughly document everything you experience. Your lawyer will need to be able to present a clear set of dates while negotiating a settlement with the insurance company. By being diligent with documentation, injured parties can improve the likelihood that they'll be awarded general damages based upon a higher multiplier.

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Enjuris tip: The concept of pain and suffering addresses the overall loss of comfort, happiness and opportunity that usually follows an accident.

Enjuris tip: Your personal injury case could take a few months or it could last years. See an overview of how long your injury claim may take. Free personal injury guides for download to print or save. View all downloads. Tell your story - What would you want others to know?

Tell us what happened in your accident, and how life has changed for you. Search our directory for personal injury law firms. See our guide Choosing a personal injury attorney. Find an attorney.