How tall am i quiz

2022.01.06 17:48

I am average bt I am ten yes I lied in my user and I am like 5'1. I googled this and here is what I found out. Using the CDC's girls growth chart, for example, a year-old girl who stands 54 inches tall 4'6" is in the 50th percentile and should reach a height just over 5'4" by the time she's You are tall.

This can be a very good thing, as I am sure you already know. While you won't be scoring half-price movie tickets anytime soon maybe when you're a senior? Hello I am 15 and I am around 5 ft 5 inches Anon I am 13, 4' Cat Lover You are short, which actually does have its advantages, if you're not too sensitive about being called "Shorty," "Shrimp," etc. Get those half-price movie tickets as long as you possibly can - you've earned it! Profile B. Top of Fridge.

Top Portion of Kitchen. Top of bed bunk. Do you think that you have all the qualities that define a genius? If yes, then the Impossible test below is perfect for you.

The test is so impossible that getting all of them right may be a myth. If you believe in Questions: 10 Attempts: Last updated: Oct 3, I would become Spider-man. What the heck? Sometimes it may be highlighting an error we made on a quiz, but often it is a kind comment to say you enjoy our quizzes and to keep going! We feed on the positive energies you leave here so please keep your comments coming!

Got a great quiz idea? Please let us know. Even better, if you'd like to contribute in writing a quiz, write in anytime! Contact us here. Let's Play! As near the front as possible. Right at the back. In the middle. Somewhere between the middle and back. Yes, but there are very few rides I'm ineligible for. Only in some types of cars, and it usually just sits uncomfortably on my neck. Sometimes it can get in the way of my arms, but other than that, no. Yes, there are usually a variety of options for me in multiple departments.

Not exactly, because I usually need special sizing, like wide or narrow, etc. Yeah, I have pretty average sized feet. No, they usually have to order them special for me. How much I've shrunk compared to their memories of me. My clothing.

My weight. How much I've grown. No, I cannot jump. I can jump, just not very far. I'm not bad. Yes, I can jump pretty far. Disadvantage, it gets in the way more than helps. Fact of life, nothing more or less. Advantage, it's opened some cool opportunities for me I wouldn't otherwise have. A cursing and a blessing. I'm lucky to find anything that fits even a little.

Yes, most of the store is around my size or something I could fit in and look good wearing. Usually, but there aren't tons of options in my size, so there isn't always a desirable selection. Sometimes, but that's on a really good day. Most days, I don't get so lucky. I'd say its pear-shaped. I'd say its average. I'd say its large-framed.