How many phyla in kingdom protista

2022.01.06 17:51

Four-Leaf Pinyon P. Two-Leaf Pinyon P. One-Leaf Pinyon P. Ponderosa Pine P. Coulter Pine P. Digger Pine P.

Torrey Pine P. Jeffrey Pine P. Sugar Pine P. Another species left image called the Washoe Pine P. In addition, the Beach and Lodgepole Pines are now recognized as subspecies of P. According to R. Lanner Conifers of California , , there may be other significant changes in the pines of California. Allozyme studies in two-leaf pinyons Pinus edulis of the New York Mountains indicate that these populations are biochemically and genetically consistent with nearby one-leaf pinyon Pinus monophylla , and that P.

The unusual New York Mountains population appears to be a 2-needle variant of P. According to Lanner, the latter species has five needles per fascicle and occurs in San Diego County. The hybrid hypothesis might explain the perplexing variation in needle number for P. Foxtail pines Pinus balfouriana on the 11, ft m slopes of Alta Peak. The 13, ft. Left: Seed cones of cypress Cupressus from groves in southern California.

Tecate cypress C. Sargent cypress C. Piute cypress C. Cuyamaca cypress C. Smooth-bark Arizona cypress C. Rough-bark Arizona cypress C. Right: Seed cones of cypress from groves in central and northern California. Monterey cypress C. Gowen cypress C. Santa Cruz cypress C. Mendocino cypress C. Macnab cypress C. Modoc cypress C. Male pollen cones of the Piute cypress Cupressus nevadensis [syn. Each scalelike leaf bears a dorsal gland that exudes a resin droplet red arrow. Interior cypress species such as this one typically have glaucous, resinous foliage, presumably an adaptation to dry, arid habitats.

Foliage and pollen cones of the Smooth-bark Arizona cypress Cupressus glabra [Syn. Foliage of the Tecate cypress C. The scalelike leaves of Arizona cypress are glaucous and very glandular sticky.

The scalelike leaves of Tecate cypress are green and without dorsal resin glands. Right: Grove of Piute cypress C. The Piute cypress are more drought resistant, with gray glaucous , glandular resinous foliage similar to the Arizona cypress.

In fact, some botanists now consider the Piute cypress to be a subspecies of the Arizona cypress and have named it C. This species typically grows on outcrops of serpentine in the Coast Ranges of central and northern California.

Serpentine is a shiny rock with a waxy luster and feel. It varies in color from creamy white and shades of green to black. In California, many species of rare and endangered plants are endemic to serpentine outcrops.

Genetic drift has undoubtedly occured in isolated cypress groves such as this one, which are often referred to as "arboreal islands. Podocarpus gracilior , a member of the Podocarpaceae native to eastern Africa.

None is presented as new: authorship-and-date credits are given to preceding workers on the taxonomy of the many groups involved. By presenting taxonomic characterizations as well as relevant nomenclatural data for each taxon described, a comprehensive scheme of overall higher-level classification within the kingdom emerges that may be considered to serve as a solid base or 'taking-off point' for future discussions.

The 18 supraphyletic groups and their phyla in parentheses and including authorships and dates of their formal names are as follows: I.

The mastigomycetes Hypochytridiomycota Sparrow, ; Oomycota Winter, ; incert. Chytridiomycota Sparrow, Depending on the genus, the test of an individual foram may be a single chamber or an intricately coiled series of chambers.

Similarly, the wall of the test may be simple in structure, or it may be complexly multilayered. Overall, foraminiferans are marine organisms.

However, they can be extremely environmentally sensitive and are very useful to geologists in endeavors to understand past environments. Organic Evolution:. For certain portions of the geologic column, foraminiferans are amongst the best index fossils known.

An index fossil is one that is useful in determining the age of a given body of rock. An important characteristic of good index fossils is that they are the remains or traces of kinds of organisms that evolved rapidly; hence, a given kind of organism existed on Earth for a short length of time.

The result is that a good index fossil can give one precise information as to the age of the rock in which it occurs. Included here are organisms commonly called radiolarians. Included in this phylum is the genus Trypanosoma. Trypanosomes are common in the tropical regions of the world. They are passed to humans through the bites of insects, including mosquitoes and sand-flies. The ciliates are so called because they each have a large number of cilia.

Individuals of most of the more than species of ciliates have two types of nuclei, the larger, called macronuclei , and the smaller, called micronuclei. Individuals of Balantidium coli are commensal organisms in the intestines of swine; they are passed by means of cysts in the faeces. Occasionally they found in humans; in such cases, they are pathogenic, and, in conjunction with bacteria, they erode pits in the intestinal mucosa.

Members of the genus Paramecium live in fresh-water. They are free-living organisms. Osmotic balance is accomplished by contractile vacuoles. Unlike some protists that reproduce only by fission, members of the genus Paramecium also reproduce by a process called conjugation , in which individuals of two different strains position themselves beside one another and exchange genetic material.

Individuals that have participated in conjugation generally undergo frequent mitosis soon thereafter. Note that asexual reproduction by means of binary fission [a. Members of the genus Vorticella are fresh-water protists that are sessile. Sporozoans are non-motile parasites. Genus Plasmodium includes the best-known members of the phylum Sporozoa.

They cause malaria, which probably has killed more humans than any other disease in history and continues to do so, by the bye. These parasites are transmitted to humans through the bites of mosquitoes of the genus Anopheles , and they infect and rupture red blood-cells, which causes cycles of fever and chills. In order to understand this group of organisms, how they function, how they evolved, and so on, you will need to know a number of words, their definitions, and how and when to use the words.

Thus, you should put together a list of such words, definitions, and notes. Here are some items to start you in compiling your own list. Note that many terms in the material in this WEB-page have not been listed separately in this glossary. This does not mean that it would be a wise idea for you to ignore the terms in the material above. If a word you seek is not in the following, you might find it in the general glossary.

This word sometimes is used as though it is the name of a formal taxon, but the term is a "waste-basket term" used to refer all the plant-like protists.

With respect to reproduction of organisms: cf. This word sometimes is used as though it is the name of a formal taxon, but the term is a "waste-basket term" used to refer all the animal-like protists.

Some people are rather sloppy in their use of this term. Comparable organo-sedimentary structures occur in some ecosystems today, for example, Shark Bay, in western Australia. Cleveland P. Brown, Dubuque, Iowa. Desowitz, Robert S. Hickman, Cleveland P. Hickman, and Lee B. Protozoan Groups, p. Roberts, and Allan Larson. Integrated Principles of Zoology [tenth edition]: Wm. Laubenfels, M.