How many rounds for self defense

2022.01.06 17:51

The firearm and ammunition may only be displayed in an accredited museum in accordance with such safety measures, as may be prescribed. A firearm in respect of this section may only be used on an accredited shooting range in accordance with the rules of that shooting range and in accordance with the conditions that the Registrar may impose. The holder of the permit may not possess more than rounds of ammunition unless the Registrar approves the possession of the higher number in writing.

Licence to possess a firearm for business purposes section 20 The Registrar may issue a licence in terms of this section to the following: A security company A person who is accredited to provide training in the use of firearms A person who is accredited to provide firearms in theatrical, film or television productions A person who is accredited as a game ranger A person who is accredited to conduct business in hunting Any person who is accredited to use firearms for such other business purpose as the Registrar may determine.

The following is a supporting document for a security company: Documentary proof of registration with SIRA. The following are supporting documents for training in the use of firearms; theatrical, film or television production; game ranger and business in hunting: A certified copy of an accreditation certificate The surname and identify numbers of all trainers in a business Motivation to substantiate the application. The licence, which is issued in terms of this section, namely the licence to possess a firearm for business purposes, is valid for five years , unless it is cancelled or terminated in terms of the Firearms Control Act, Additional licence A person may apply for additional licences in respect of sections 13, 14, 15, 16 and 16A.

The following requirements for additional licences must be met: The applicant must reside at the same premises as the holder of the licence. The applicant must comply with all requirements for the issuing of the licence to possess the respective firearm. The use of guns in self-defense by private citizens is extremely rare. VPC research has found a gun is far more likely to be used in a homicide or suicide than in a justifiable homicide. More guns are stolen each year than are used in self-defense.

The gun lobby seeks to expand the carrying of concealed, loaded handguns into an ever-increasing number of public spaces, while at the same time blocking any restrictions on the availability of military-style semiautomatic assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition magazines.

There is more recoil, and people tend to develop issues with flinching and other bad habits. At the range they fatigue more easily and really, shooting these small guns is just not as fun. Newer gun owners are a lot more likely to lose interest or get discouraged if they are trying to learn with a small gun — I see this happen in shooting classes all the time.

Something like a Glock 26 is much more forgiving for a new shooter than a Glock 43, or a snub nose revolver. But I think the bottom line is that concerns about capacity should take a back seat to getting relevant training from a qualified instructor.

Carrying around lots of ammo is good, knowing how to shoot is better, and avoiding trouble altogether is best. Some have even dared to call it a new practice. Others have Sep, 02, Nov. Chris Baker. Share Article. Full video transcript below: How much ammo capacity do you need in your concealed carry gun?