How many shiners in a pound

2022.01.06 17:51

Originally Posted By: Theeck. Rainman www. Thanks, Rainman. That was my initial thought to get the biggest shiners I could. I remember years ago catching 10" shiners from the pond on small Rebel minnows. I have kind of put together a plan.

I'm going to keep on working on removing all of the bigger fish from the pond. In the meantime, I bought a gallon stock tank. I am going to add gravel, some muck and spawning structure to it. I'll restrict the spring water flow so the temperature is decent. I'm going to add a bucket or 2 of water from my pond to introduce algae and plankton and fertilize it.

Once I get things put together I will add some golden shiners and flatheads. I hope to be able to grow some baitfish in the tank.

I'll add the biggest golden shiners I can get to the pond once the predator fish level is at a much lower level. I hope to be able to supplement that stocking from what I can grow in the tank.

Once I get fry in the tank being optimistic , I'll transfer the breeders to the pond and continue the process. Update: I started with the minnow tank. It is filling now.

We'll see how it. Maybe this thread should be moved to another forum. I kind of got off track. Joined: Sep Northeast Ohio. Your moving along quickly!!! Joined: Jul Raymond, NE. If it were me I would clean the muck out of the pool and add a liner, then extend the water inflow down close to where the pool overflows and exits. SE Kansas. Now it has a huge population of shiners. Last year I trapped dozens and probably ten dozen or more so far this spring put them in my main pond.

The FHM eventually were gone put some more in last fall but the shiners are still thick. One of a few large GS I caught from my forage pond by hook and line. Most I trap are bait store size. GS caught by hook Forage pond thread. John I subscribe to Pond Boss Magazine. Here is one I caught by hook and line a week and half ago, I am going to start culling all GSH over 7".

Originally Posted By: Shorty. Show off your catch Sunfish-Including Largemouth an Today's Birthdays dean , fishraker Recent Posts New pondout excavation has begun! Pictures added! Help a new timer out! Tilapia indoors and out by highflyer, September Naiad vs chara?

Hurricanes and wildlife 1 by Stressless, September 1. Well fed sunfish by DNickolaus, August Powered by UBB. Sorry, but we do not sell fish outside of WI or IL at this time. Close search. Golden Shiner by Mike Robinson February 14, To my surprise, they were sold out of shiners. It turned out to be a kid maybe 13 years old who lived right next to the pond and trapped shiners.

And people were buying them like crazy everyone runs out of bait eventually! I didn't want to, but I coughed up the cash, but I gave in. Fubar racin IceShanty Rookie Posts: I got a guy near me that won't put a price on em always says give me what you think is fair, I handed him a ten last time and said give me what you think is fair I left with just shy of 10dz!!!

There weren't many people fishing around here back then because there were no augurs so you had to chisel holes. It can be hard to really dial in how to catch shiners in an area. Here we have Emerald, that no one sells. Silvers, which are probley the best, spot tails that are very unique and quality bait, and the golden, which walleye fishermen here hate and pike fisherman love. I guess its worth it. Kind of like a trip to the dentist.

It's like tailgating with the possibility of catching a fish! I think it ranges between 5 and 6 doz where I get mine. You could check pretty quick with a good set of fishing scales, while they may not be certified they are pretty close on the better scales. Joined: Jul I,ve been buying my minnows at Finny Tribe and have always got more than 3 dozen in a quarter pd.

Jerry R. Joined: May Ranger Rick. Joined: Feb Again depends on size, not all med are mediums and not all small are smalls. Finny Tribe would be the last place to cheat anyone. And I would stand by that all day long. Just like tournament fishing, every 7 fish sack weighs different. Hooking a fish is like playing string with a cat.